Should Voting Laws be Lowered To 13? | Teen Ink

Should Voting Laws be Lowered To 13?

May 26, 2014
By BVilla BRONZE, Austin, Texas
BVilla BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should Voting Laws be lowered to 13 Years Old?
What do you think the government should lower voting laws to 13 years old? If teen’s where able to vote the amount of young people will rise, because there is a small amount of young people voting so the government should lower it to 13 years old.

Kids are also our future so they should have the right to vote and decide their future “in some ways”. Teens would also vote for someone is giving out better education for students. They would also have a better future, because they will teach their children how to vote and who to vote for.

Teen’s also wanted to learn how to vote “well some do” and those who want to cant because you have to be 18, those kids that about voting and what good things it does. So they should teach students want to vote may ask their parents but some parents don’t have the time to teach their children how to or inspire them at school wouldn’t that be cool learning about voting at school.

So the Government should lower the age to 13 and teach students how to vote at school and the name of this class will maybe be called civics or civic engagement.

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