Harm Disguised | Teen Ink

Harm Disguised

May 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Robert MacIver, a famous sociologist once said, “Technology is the most subtle and the most effective engineer of enduring social change. Its apparent neutrality is deceptive and often disarming.” The reason children are given technological devices is because parents believe that these devices are neutral, benign objects for their children. The reality is, however, that some of the challenges youngsters face can be traced back to the use of technology. Instant gratification, lack of social skills, and addiction are bi-products of this time, the Digital Age. Although technology may be able to help teach young children subjects such as math, there are various other methods to tutor a young child.
With newer technological advances, more and more children are becoming used to the idea of instant gratification. Children want “whatever they want, when they want it.” They believe that they can be lazy by going the easy way out using technology and not working hard. Many youngsters do not want to take the time out of their day to put just a bit more effort into their product. Because of all the newest devices, minors have chosen to not strive for the best they can be. Before the discoveries of the Digital Age, children around the world wanted to be the best, but afterwards, the desire to be successful greatly decreased in young people. It would be almost impossible to teach them the meaning of organization and planning when they take advantage of technology in the way that they do. They allow computers and smart devices to do all the thinking.

Besides showing symptoms of instant gratification, children across the globe are sitting glued to their television sets, without contact to any other form of civilization. They are unable to develop fundamental social skills needed to be successful in the latter life because they are always in their own world, not speaking or having a simple conversation. Who is to blame for this injustice? The obvious answer to this is technology. Because of it, many young people cannot communicate well with their fellow classmates. So, when it is necessary to work as a group, many miscommunications will occur. A child who is always glued to some electronic device would not be able to have a casual conversation with their family. Technology is the reason for many families being pulled apart. It is a reason for the dearth of love within a family.

“Addiction.” We hear this word far too often, but we don’t usually put it in the context of technology. However, many children are quickly becoming addicted to all the newest technology. In reality, we pretty much get almost nothing from the best video game. Very few video games are out there that are educational and provide knowledge to a minor. Because many of these devices are extremely addicting to children, many children use up much of their time in the day on a petty electronic that cannot further any one's knowledge whatsoever. They choose not to spend time bonding with their family or friends. The relationships created as a young child with family and friends are the ones most cherished and valuable throughout a lifetime.

Besides wasting time or not bonding with others, money is easily wasted on technology. Many dollars are wasted each year on devices that are rarely used in a household. The fact is that for most people, a good sized portion of our electronic goods are gone to waste. Whenever someone gets something new, they forget about the old item that had the exact same function, resulting in a colossal waste of money. Today’s world is mostly consisted of technology and devices that have damaged the newest generation of the world.

Thanks to all the technological advances, children are now very impatient, not social, and extremely addicted to the products of the Digital Age. It has a negative effect on young ones, from infants to adolescents. Although this can be used for good, mankind tends to forget the fact that technology destroys the social fabric. It is a high speed road in a neighborhood where young people are the victims of its advances.

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