My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

April 17, 2014
By jimmy lechuga BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
jimmy lechuga BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name started off as just a thought in my parents mind. My name was like a needle in a haystack. When I was born that one special name was given to me. That name was my name. I know what you’re thinking that’s such a simple name, but it’s unique.

Not a lot of people in the world have this name. I’ve never met someone else who was named the same, unless you count a few cartoons. No one in my family has my name, I’m the first. The reason for this is because my parents wanted to give me a name that was different, unique, and nontraditional or in other words non Mexican.
A lot of people always complain about having an ugly name, but I don’t think like that. The way I think about it is your name is who you are. Your name doesn’t mean what the urban dictionary says. Everyone must understand that because your actions are what create the meaning of your name. For example someone can have the ugliest name in the world but that person is very humble, nice, friendly, and helpful in times of need. A person like that won’t be known as the the person with an ugly name, he will be known as the sweetest person in the world.
It’s not really about how your name sounds but how you are remembered. I am remembered as a lot of things by a lot of people. The main thing I am known is soccer player because that’s all I do is play soccer and I’m pretty good at it. I am also remembered as son, brother, friend, student, Mexican, dedicated, nice, soccer buddy, shy, quiet, hard worker, and etc. I will always be remembered in many ways and there will be more as the time passes by, until I die. Only you can change your names meaning. I am proud of my name because I am really well known in my elementary school for good things such as best runner, highest grade student, and best behaved student in the whole entire school. I am also proud of my name because I’ve got a lot of certificates and I get extremely happy. This year during the first few days of February, I was called to the office and I was afraid I was in trouble but it turned out to be that I got student of the month for January 2014. I would never switch my name because to me it’s like erasing your past and starting new. Even if you did change your name people would still call you by what they met you by. My whole point is keep your name and make the best out of it. Make sure you give your name a good meaning and be proud of who you are.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for school, but it was good and says a lot about who I am and how I see myself.

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