Embrace | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By ChristinaRod BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
ChristinaRod BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My identity is abstract, I have been through so many things and I am not the only one. The identity that I have shaped who I am and what I will be. Identity isn’t something to just forget about everyone has an identity doesn’t matter if you’re black or blue. Diversity is a big thing in the U.S. for some of us it tells us who to be. The cultural background I was in when I was at a younger age is different compared to the culture I’m surrounded by now. It’d different but not “bad”, the culture I am around helped me find myself. Having different cultural perspectives is a fantastic thing, it should never be a bad thing.

The article “Everyone Has a DiverseStory... Even Straight White Men” is an intriguing article told by a man who is diverse all over. The author Jimmy Nguyen is not only “gay but left handed and Vietnamese”. The way he explains diversity thoroughly lets you peak into someone else’s life that was hard at times when there cultural background affected the way the he lived. Jimmy himself took the initiative to write this article and describes how diversity is a great thing. Diversity tells many beautiful stories from a white man having a Mexican family as friends and eating tortillas every Christmas day to being a minority.

Gurbaksh Chahal wrote an article named “No Chris Brown, My Father Is Not a Terrorist” in this article it suggests that we should stop stereotyping different cultural backgrounds. The article states “Hate isn’t something we understand we’re born; it’s something we’re taught.” Well that one quote describes how we shouldn’t have to teach our kids that cultural differences should affect them negatively. All these cultural differences should be embraced when were out and about in this world. We are all different, but we act like we are all the same. Being ashamed of you diversity will not get you know where except being dead inside.

Although some might argue cultural background negatively affect everyone by racism and stereotypes. By saying cultural differences is negative you’re blinding the culture of its actual identity. Blaming cultures for the bad situations that happened to a country is like a little kid pointing there finger at someone else saying “they did it and it wasn’t me”. Easy as that the blame is taken, and then we make jokes about that culture to feel better. That is not the way we should teach not only our kids but the people we are surrounded by to act. Every day we encounter a racial slur or racist jokes and that is not only persons fault that say the racial slur but the way we act when they say it.

Cultural backgrounds are positive and excellent things we should embrace and share with each other. Diversity is a problem everywhere we should probably start finding a solution. The article written by Jimmy Nguyen describes the way diversity not only shaped his colleagues but the way it shaped his identity. The article written by Gurbaksh Chahal was an excellent article explaining cultural backgrounds and how positive they should be. Diversity is there when we are born and it won’t end when we are long gone. Being the same is so disappointing, when you’re born different why would you want to be the same.

The author's comments:
Identity is different to ever body and everyone. Instead of acting the same we need to embrace our beliefs. We need to live with each other and we need to learn how to understand each other. Thank you for your time.

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