Gun Control Shoots Our Rights | Teen Ink

Gun Control Shoots Our Rights

February 27, 2014
By best_writer1 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
best_writer1 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of the most controversial social issues today is gun control. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. Guns are used for hunting, self-protection, and having fewer crimes. In addition, owning guns is our right.

Guns are used for hunting, and there are about 16 million to 20 million hunters in the U.S. according to, “The Right to Own Guns,” by Freya Hanson. Hunters oppose gun control because it is a sport they participate in. Most hunters hunt for recreational purposes to have something to do for fun.

Guns are used for self-protection as many as 2.3 million times a year according to, “The Unrealistic Goals of Gun Control; Point or view: Gun Control,” by Brian Wilson. Wilson said, “If guns are taken away, bad people will find ways to do bad things.” Criminals fear armed citizens because citizens have guns for protection.

Because guns are used for self-protection, having guns lowers gun-related crime rates. According to Freya Hanson’s book, “The Right to Own Guns,” it explains that having guns reduces the chance of robberies and assaults. Guns do not cause violence, but people choose to create the violence. If more people had guns for self-defense then gun-related crimes will not happen as often.

Being a free, American citizen, it is our right in America to bear arms. The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The amendment was to let citizens have protection for themselves. However, if the government takes guns away, they are violating our rights to the Second Amendment. The government should not take guns away from law-abiding citizens.

The answer to stop gun violence is not to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. However, there are ways to stop gun violence such as:

Instead of taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, criminals should be put in prison longer to control crime. This will lower crime rates because there are more criminals in jail.

Next, make juveniles who commit adult crimes serve adult time. When a juvenile commits an adult crime, they usually do not serve the adult time they are supposed to. When juveniles are freed, they just do the crime again.

In conclusion, having guns is our right. Owning guns also lets citizens have self-protection, hunters can hunt for recreational purposes, and gun crime rates lower. The government should not take guns away from law-abiding citizens, instead criminals should be put in prison longer and juveniles who commit adult crimes should serve adult time.

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