“All life is an experiment. The more experiments the better.” | Teen Ink

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments the better.”

May 12, 2013
By AlexWeepingSalix SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
AlexWeepingSalix SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Perhaps life is not the experiment, but rather life is many experiment’s results. The more experiments one conducts, the more outcomes one receives, and in order to conduct such experiments one must do many things. For example, today in my (insert class subject that will remain anonymous) class my teacher was debating with the band students about the benefits of band. My teacher argued that if schools aim to pursue excellent education, then why are many students consumed with extracurricular activities, in this case band, that, in the future, will aid them in no way. My teacher is correct in a sense, for far too many students are only concerned with sports or activities that cause them to forget why they even attend school. I have found that athletes will be quiet when their coach tells them to do so, however students will not be quiet when their teacher tells them to do so. This is an example of how extracurriculars have obscured education. However, if one only confines him or herself to one activity how will he or she know the outcomes in pursuing something else? Would the world know Vladimir Horowitz, Picasso or Michael Phelps if they had conducted only one experiment? What results or outcomes are left undiscovered in people? What lives result from these results? Today, two bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon finish line. Three people died. If their families and friends could go back and tell them one last thing, what would they say? Would the terribly injured victims rewind and do something they wish they once had? Would they conduct another experiment? One particular experiment can changes one’s life, and so I have developed a new goal: conduct as many experiments as possible.

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