Cyber Bullying: Is It Really a Problem? | Teen Ink

Cyber Bullying: Is It Really a Problem?

May 7, 2013
By kutech BRONZE, El Dorado, Kansas
kutech BRONZE, El Dorado, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social media networks have taken over the lives of many teenagers, and not in a good way. There are many cases of cyber-bullying, but is it as serious as we think?

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are just a few of these sites teenagers have accounts for. They can “tweet”, post a status, leave comments, and “like” pictures, and even though we can set our accounts to private, it still doesn’t stop hurtful things from being said. But do people take the words to heart too much?

Now, I agree that some things can go too far, but is it really worth taking to the cops, or even your school? As we grow up, we have to learn to stick up for ourselves, and that mans shrugging little comments off our shoulder. In our adult lives, we will not get along with everyone, especially in our workplace, and we have to deal with that. People are different, and have different opinions, but we need to be mature enough to respect those opinions, or keep them to ourselves.

Many have been involved in “Facebook fights” and “twitter fights” just because of someone’s opinion or comment. Why do we care so much about what other people think? These situations can easily be avoided by not posting rude or inappropriate pictures or words, and lastly, being mature.

The author's comments:
An article I wrote for my school newspaper, The El Dorado Crier

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 27 2013 at 2:34 pm
I hope you write more on this topic. Adults are definitely saying cyberbullying is a problem because it has connected to some very violent actions.  I think the answers need to come from thoughtful teens. What would help someone caught up in being cyber bullied? What if they aren't able to shrug it off? How do we help before it causes real damage? I work in <a href="">technology summer camps</a> and it is a big issue.