Real Communication With In Families | Teen Ink

Real Communication With In Families

May 7, 2013
By Hannah Reed BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Hannah Reed BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Real Communication With in Families Does Matter!

Today many teens value their friends over family. I sometimes can be part of this group. We feel like our friends understand what we are going through better than our parents do. Families need to communicate within each other so they stay strong and know from the bottom of their hearts they can depend and rely on each other no matter the circumstance.

In the United States when we think of family, we usually believe it to be two biological parents, and children living happily under one roof. This reality has dramatically changed over the years. What happens in modern families’ houses doesn’t fit the stereotype anymore. We should change the way we family should be or look like. It would relieve some pressure and the need to conform. Most families have both parents working. A third of the families consist of single, working parents.

Thai families are very close knit and communicate very well. They do almost everything together and remain close even after the children grow up and leave the house. After moving to the U.S. a Thai family started losing its closeness and need for a close knit family.

Now, dynamics within my family are very different than the perceived stereotype. Our dinner table experiences are usually very quiet because of a huge lack of communication. I come home to my mom, step-father, and my step-brother. Modern intertwined families involving non-biological parents and children need to understand that by removing the awkwardness, you are opening the doors to communication. Forgetting the stereotypes of step-parents and step-siblings will open us up for better relationships.

Different cultures value family much differently than others. Some are very close knit; others don’t value it very much at all. Some can be very involved with their extended family like grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and god-parents. Others only really value their nuclear family which usually includes parents and siblings.

Next, many parents believe that their kids should have time to hang out with their friends. Many kids and teenagers value friends over family now because they feel their friends understand them and their problems better than their parents do. While this is true and very important in kids’ lives, it doesn’t mean that they should be with their friends all the time. Parents think that it’s okay because they live with their kids and think that they see them 24/7. Living together doesn’t mean that you are spending real quality time with their children. Kids are at school 7 hours and sleep for around 8 or 9, which is already 15 hours that parents are away from their kids. Spending time together doesn’t mean that you are in their presence; it means that you are communicating.

It is very important that children and parents make it clear that they can and want to actually be talked to. In order to start making communication in your family stronger you should have a meal with your family at least twice a week, and talk about how your day was, ask how other family member’s day was. Family members should know that they can depend on one another when in time of need or when they just want someone to talk to!

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