Stop the violence: it's up to us | Teen Ink

Stop the violence: it's up to us

April 22, 2013
By heather_johnson77 BRONZE, Cottondale, Alabama
heather_johnson77 BRONZE, Cottondale, Alabama
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Stop the violence: it’s up to us

With all of the violence going on in the world around us, people are searching for a way to stop it. Some people are so desperate for an answer that they ignore the fact that we have tried the stricter gun control road and it doesn't work.
Society needs to get over the fear of guns. Are you afraid of your own hands and feet? How about a baseball bat, are you afraid of those? Most people are not. Therefore, also should not be afraid of guns. Everyone has heard that age old saying, “guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”Well, that is just it.
Instead of banning guns, we should make sure our children are raised to know right from wrong. Children should be brought up in a stable home with people that love them. Nip the problem in the bud, don’t let it get to the point that they grow up and go on murder sprees.
If everyone were comfortable with guns, owned one, and knew how to work it properly, there would be a lot less murder. If a killer knows that anyone they try to kill most likely has a gun, they are less likely to try to kill someone. Even if the killer did decide to come at someone anyways, the victim would be able to defend themselves if they had a gun and could work it properly. Firearm training is the key to a safe environment with guns.
Laws, no matter what they ban, will never be able to stop the violence. Is it not already illegal to shoot people at random or because they made you mad, or to drop an explosive device in a crowd of people? Yes, it is, but turn on the news. It is happening almost every day, even though it is illegal. Criminals do not care if what they are doing is illegal. Therefore, banning guns only hurts the good people. It keeps us from being able to defend ourselves, our homes, our families. Bad guys will always find a way to be bad. In the process, a much larger, more dangerous black market will be created to buy and sell weapons.
The government cannot protect everyone from every little threat. Life is dangerous, end of story. There is only one real option for making the world completely rid of violence, lobotomize everyone so that we all just sit and stare into space, drooling on ourselves. However, that really wouldn't work either would it? There would still have to be those evil doctors that perform the lobotomies on all the poor innocent inhabitants of the earth. There would have to be someone to wipe our drool and take care of us, therefore there would still be room for violence. So, it all comes back to us. We have to take a stand to change the world to stop the constant violence. According to the World Health Organization, in the U.S alone, someone is murdered every sixty seconds, and someone is killed in an armed conflict every one hundred seconds.
It is up to us to stop the violence. We should put more effort into anti-violence campaigns and teaching our younger children to be non violent people. Parents need to instill morals and logical thinking skills into their children. We, as a people, are the only thing that can stop the unnecessary violence and protect the generations to come from inheriting a world of constant violence.

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