Girls Shall Be Girls | Teen Ink

Girls Shall Be Girls

March 25, 2013
By AnnaStarMoon SILVER, McMinnville, Tennessee
AnnaStarMoon SILVER, McMinnville, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I describe my personal style as sarcastically cutesy. My room is electric pink with red-painted vintage furniture and quirky knickknacks, and my clothes are fussy and little-girlish and vintage with a tiny pinch of goth flair. I like to have fun and go all out—otherwise, what’s the point? I love, love, LOVE the Spanish brand Traka Barraka, which I discovered when I was in Barcelona this summer—they perfectly encapsulate my style, and I am so glad their prices are in euros so I don’t have to think about how expensive they are. Their stores are how I want my whole house to look when I’m older. WAY. TOO. CUTE.

Now, I’m aware that some people might think that dressing like a five-year-old from the ‘60s is demeaning or sexist, but that’s where they’re wrong. In fact, I think that they’re the sexist ones for thinking you have to be “serious” or mannish to be a powerful woman (like that &@#! Warner from Legally Blonde!!!). Just look at Zooey Deschanel—in an interview with Marie Claire she talked about this exact thing. I mean, people sometimes people try to say that being a feminist is all about not shaving your legs or wearing pantsuits or some crap like that. But really, true feminism is about celebrating how awesome women are and proving that they are every bit as important and smart and strong as men—and that we don’t have to dress or act like them to be that way.

So if you want to wear a ruffled dress and a bow in your hair, do it. If a man thinks you’re weak because of it , lull him into a false sense of security before countering whatever he’s saying with a more logical, concise, and knowledgeable argument—or just plain kicking him with your steel-toed pink patent leather boot.

The author's comments:
Feminism is one of my favorite topics, and I love the direction in which the discussion has been moving lately, especially with the help of Zooey Deschanel and the community. This is my opinion.

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