Feeling Inspired | Teen Ink

Feeling Inspired

January 18, 2013
By eHmystery BRONZE, Ayr, Other
eHmystery BRONZE, Ayr, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself.

Life is a cycle that has a beginning, a middle and an end which as we all know is pretty damn obvious however a lot of people tend to confuse ‘the middle’ with ‘tomorrow’ and so they forget about ‘today’.

People go through life day to day saying “I’ll do It tomorrow” instead of “I’ll do it now” and so opportunities and time is wasted on a frequent basis until a day comes when they turn around bleakly and ghost “where’s my life gone?”.

I discovered recently that I too had been going through such a phase of apathy and was completely unaware of the opportunities I was wasting, the people I was letting down and more importantly the life I was casually throwing away on a minutely basis. Gratefully my eyes were opened and now I wish to help others and open their eyes too…

If you go through life using replies such as “no”, “I’ll do it later”, “I can’t be bothered” etc... then you might find that you’re wasting your life away doing nothing and/or doing things that will leave you worse off than doing those things that are called ‘opportunities’ which will delve you into situations you never imagined.

The scientific ‘butterfly effect’ theorem comes into effect in a lot of what we do in life and is carelessly practiced throughout many peoples’ lives. Let me explain; firstly the ‘butterfly effect’ is where something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the planet can cause a tsunami on the other side of the planet and so on... This is pretty much how our day to day decisions affect the rest of our life; one small decision could make a big impact in your life later.

Now I’m not saying that people are living life badly or wasting away because if I’m honest living life the way you want to and/or happily isn’t something that’s bad HOWEVER not living it to your full potential IS making you less happy than you could be therefore you’re missing out on A LOT of adventure and happiness. I am talking from personal experience and I too was wasting my life away playing video games, being lazy and just saying ‘no’ to everything that came along however it took me around 3 days of being inspired and enlightened to turn my life around.

If I can do it so can you!

I continue to revert back to myself and how I too experienced what a lot of people are going through in life for a reason, human beings need a push; a motive, support and most of all they need an inspirational person in their life; someone that’s been there and done exactly what they’re doing but escaped the rut and is living life wonderfully to their full potential!

This is something I've taken up and a certain friend of mine ‘Chris Bauer’ has taught me that sitting down when you have nothing else to do, after all your ‘to do’ list is completed and you’re turning to leisure; it is a great thing to sit down and just write.. Write about anything, the first thing that comes to mind... Whether it be an inspirational topic or ants it doesn’t matter, just sit and write; before you know it you’ll have written scribes and scribes of words that construct a great piece of writing; or the other option you could choose is to just read; just sit and read, use Wikipedia and type in anything, any topic from spiders to quantum physics, absolutely anything in the world and just read.. You never know what you might find interests you.

To understand life to the fullest and to live it to the fullest one must understand who they are.. one must ‘know thyself’ which is a relatively easy thing to do, simply go for a walk and get lost in your own thoughts you never know what you might come across in your own mind.. the things you’ll see on your walk may inspire you; give you a little motivation to do something within those topics.. go to a happy place where you can learn who you really are.

Once you understand who you are as a person you can start to understand everything else CORRECTLY in your life and once you start to understand everything else… you’ll find life becomes an adventure full of adversity and obstacles but.. “No one ever achieves their dream without first stumbling over a few obstacles on the way. Experience teaches you to understand that those obstacles are actually a really good indication that you’re on the right road. Trust me; if you find a road without any obstacles I can promise you it doesn't lead to anywhere worthwhile. So embrace the adversity, tackle the obstacles and get ready for success; Today is the start of the greatest days of your life”; Bear Grylls. I read this quote from his autobiography and to be honest it immediately imprinted itself in my brain and its one of the most inspirational things I have ever read and I will continue to remember it throughout my life and in everything I do for it is a truth;
This is one of my many views and one of my few pieces of writing I have concocted over the last few days and these pieces of writing take me mere minutes to produce just from a clear line of thought… imagine when you’re in school writing an essay and it takes you ten minutes to write it in absolute EASE; I know you may sit there thinking “Well Ben I’m not good at writing and obviously you are so you can’t say that I can write an essay in a short period of time like you can” Well your thought is wrong for I too am bad at writing essays in short period of times and in school I rarely handed one in on time however once I got inspired by simple words I realized just how simple it is all it requires is one clear unbroken line of thought and the words will pour out of you as water pours out of a jug.

SO go on try it say yes to opportunity, say come on to adversity and you tackle those obstacles with outstanding effort and I guarantee you; you will be on the right road to wherever you want to be!!

The author's comments:
this was a thought that came to me when i read something that someone posted facebook and it made me sad to see the way people saw life; so i decided to write about it.

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