American cars | Teen Ink

American cars

February 20, 2012
By Anonymous

American cars are becoming much higher quality then they used to be. They also are starting to be much more popular after many years of poorly built cars. By buying American cars over foreign cars helps the economy and supplies jobs for Americans.

Over the past few years more Americans are starting to say that American cars are better quality then they have been in the past. According to business week more American people say that the U.S. makes better vehicles then Asia with 38 present saying U.S. are better and 33 percent preferring vehicles made by Asian companies. In other words they are saying that Americans like cars built in America.

By buying American cars you help the economy and helps working Americans by keeping them employed an off the streets witch benefits a lot of people. pros and cons of American cars says buying a Ford or General Motors Cars is s better for the U.S. economy and for U.S. workers. What they are trying to say is that buying American cars helps everybody.

There are solutions to this buying American cars and selling cars there are not made in America also buying American has a small impact on the economy but just helping can make a impact over time. CNNmoney comments that most of the profit Ford makes comes from selling its cars witch supports its overall operation also ford is also the only U.S. car company that has not had a bailout yet. It remains certain in the United States, helping the company strive, grow stronger, and develop new this adds to the point that buying American helps a lot of different ways. so what do you want to do to help America survive and rebuild the economy.

The author's comments:
i was inspired to wright this because we need to change our economy and get out of debt

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on Feb. 24 2012 at 6:27 pm
MidnightWriter SILVER, Ontario, Other
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Nice article, but you have some grammar mistakes. Your sentences are not very economical; it's very wordy. To improve your writing read an essay by George Orwell entitled "Politics and the English Language."