Facebook | Teen Ink


November 3, 2011
By mhafner19 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
mhafner19 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Facebook now has over two hundred million users and the population just keeps growing! When a subscriber agrees to the terms of use they are giving permission to Facebook to own every photo posted and does not allow them to completely delete their account. Do these affiliates know how much privacy they lose? Facebook has many negative consequences on people because this social network inflames bullying, can cause future conflict, and has a lack of privacy.

Cyber bullying is only one effect of subscribing to Facebook. Everyday there are more cases of cyber bullying and suicides because of it. People have the ability to harass someone online or spread rumors over the Internet. Users are capable of spamming another user’s wall; that could lead to more people patronizing the victim. Facebook is another opportunity for a bully to gibe another person.

The social network stores information forever, which can cause future conflict. Once Facebookok member uploads a photo it is released to the Internet and can always be found. Some colleges and companies will check profiles to see what kind of a person the applicant is. Peers and employers are able to see if there is any explicit information a user posted because it can never be erased. If a person decides to delete an account they are only allowed to deactivate it. It is impossible for all the information on an account to be cleared.

Facebook’s most negative effect is the lack of privacy. Strangers can subscribe to anyone’s account. Somebody can easily view a picture and extract the exact location the photo was taken. Without privacy settings anybody is capable of seeing a user’s email or phone number. Once a picture is put on Facebook it belongs to Facebook and they can use the picture for any purpose; for example, taking a picture of somebody’s face to use it for a dating advertisement. Once anything is posteFacebookok owns the rights to it. People no longer have privacy because of all the terms of use, and most people do not even realize what they agree to.

Facebook has many negative consequences on people. Do Facebook members realize what they sign up for? The few bebenefitsf Facebook are not worth all the consequences.

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