English as the national language | Teen Ink

English as the national language

May 10, 2011
By ThomasKowalski BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ThomasKowalski BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although America does not have an official language, my point of view would be; English should be the national language of the United States. I think that if you come to the United States of America you should learn to speak English, which is what the majority of the population speaks. When immigrants came over from other countries years ago they had to learn to speak English too. For example, Italians came from Italy, Germans came from Germany, polish people from Poland and they learned to speak English to better their lives, make a better living and just learn the ways of the country. If everyone spoke English there would be less racial conflict; people would not miss-interpret what other people are saying, which could cause violence. It could cause financial problems; it could misdiagnose problems in emergency rooms and doctors’ offices and cause many more errors. Also if you don’t know how to read road signs or know what the signs mean it could cause accidents, death and destruction. If it was to be fair to all people in the United States, then all the street signs would need to be written in all different languages. In conclusion, if immigrants from other countries come here they should want to learn the English language and how things are done in America to come together as a more united country.

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