Why are people overweight? | Teen Ink

Why are people overweight?

January 24, 2011
By JordanR BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
JordanR BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Lately, when I go out for long periods of time, I feel like I want to go home when I'm bored to go eat food. Food tastes good, and usually I feel this way before I'm hungry, but by the time I eat I'm actually hungry.

I don't think that more heavily set people are fat on purpose. I think it's a matter of thinking. It's really a thought process that is driving the hunger of these people. I feel the hunger before I'm hungry, wait until I am hungry to eat, and then eat only until I'm full. The obese person's perspective is backwards, they wait until they are hungry, eat until they are full, pay no mind and keep eating because they feel as if they are hungry. It really is a sad thing, that's what it is. They need to change their perception and have determination to get healthy. If you aren't medium-sized or skinny, or if you're just unhealthy, you need to not eat after you're full. It doesn't help any to be a glutton. Also, eating right can be enjoyable, just make sure you like what you eat or else you won't succeed, change starts in the mind.

Simply put, they eat after they are full and don't care about what they put into their bodies, that is why people are fat. It is easy for this bad habit to halt, but only if their mind is there.

The author's comments:
I just thought of this randomly.

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