Change | Teen Ink


November 25, 2010
By Anonymous

Change happens in everyday life and in four ways. It can happen politically such as the new health care bill. When war breaks out there is an economical change. The 100,000 of immigrants who came to America causes a geographical change. The cell phones that most people take advantage of changed the way people talks to other people, which changed the world socially. Changes occur when it needs to happen with new technology, new government or even buying a new car. Change happens in society when there is a need such as the Civil Rights Movement, Industrial Revolution, and most recently the health care bill.
The Civil Rights Movement changed the nation, but it took a long time. Civil rights are the basic rights all humans should have and that means equality under the law. The non- whites knew that it was unjust for the whites to me more powerful than the non whites. The Jim Crow laws were designed to subjugate African Americans. They had separate schools, bathrooms, and even water fountains. This movement did not happen quickly, it took a very long time to be accepted, but it was a needed change in society. Malcolm X showed how existing laws were routinely ignored. Martin Luther King Jr. had powerful speeches, non violent ways, and lead a bus boycott. He inspired people and gave them hope that change will occur in the future. Thurgood Marshall was the first African American to be appointed in the US Supreme Court. This was a huge step for the African Americans. He was also a very famous civil rights lawyer and most famous case was Brown verse Board of Education. The list could go on about all the important leaders and groups. Through all their hardships the United States had three new amendments that changed the society. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. This let all the African Americans live on their own, which was extremely hard for them. The 14th Amendment, three years later, gave African Americans equal protection under the law and guaranteed privileges and immunities of citizenship due process and equal protection. And finally the 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote. They are able to be a part of the government. Even though the African Americans deserved and needed these rights, this was not going to be quick because it is hard to erase 100 years of racism, prejudice and discrimination. Even to this day there is still some racism, but it is better and today the United States has the first African American president, Barak Obama.
The Industrial Revolution was a change from the cottage industry to the factories. In agriculture when the wealthy landowners bought village farms and made changes to farming techniques such as enclosures and crop rotation, this forced small farmers to become tenant farmers or to move to the cities to become factory workers most likely. This caused an increase in food supplies, improved living conditions, increased the population, and increased the demand in food and factory goods. The industrial revolution was the processes of developing machine productions of goods which caused urbanization because the growth of the factory system brought people looking for jobs to the cities and led to a population explosion in industrialize cities. The living conditions in the cities were horrible. They had no sanitary codes, no great housing, not a well rounded education system, and no police protection. Because of the whole industrial revolution the growth of corporations, global inequality, and a growing gap between the rich and the poor happened. Saying this, not all change is good, but it was needed to live a better life.
For the first time in the history of the United States the government is trying to set up a universal health care. The bill has the idea of giving coverage to 32 million uninsured people. Legislation will forbid insurance companies from randomly dropping policy holders and not including people with preexisting medical problems. The legislation will also allow people without employers to get insurance coverage and the plans offered on exchange will meet bare minimum benefits. The government is trying to make it mandatory that everyone has health care and if not those will be fined 2.5 on income by 2016. Firms hiring more than 50 workers failing to supply medical coverage will deal with fines of $2,000 per full-time employee. The legislation is waiting for the final adjustments and until that time some changes possibly be delayed until 2018 instead of 2013. It is also anticipated to allow coverage for women, aged and retired employees, and those in high-risk professions. It will also diminish the gap in drug coverage those coming in to this coverage gap in 2010 will get compensation of $250 and in 2011 they will get 50% discount on brand names. This will provide affordable health care for the people who cannot afford it.
Through the history of the United States, people have found that the Civil Rights Movement and the Industrial Revolution were positive changes for our nation, but only time will tell if the new health care bill will be as positive as the industrial revolution and the civil rights movement. All three of these things were major changes in trying to level out the playing field for all. In the civil rights movement trying to level out the playing field between the non whites and whites. The new health care is trying to level the playing field of the people who cannot afford the health care and those who can. This is why change happens to help people.

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