Learning for the Sake of It | Teen Ink

Learning for the Sake of It

July 5, 2017
By Siddhesh BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Siddhesh BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In God We Trust

Learning for learning's sake . If looked closely at the statement , it is apparently noticable that the statement has a very deep meaning and implication within itself . Is learning for the sake of learning , for the love and the joy of learning , or should learning be guided towards getting good grades , getting a good job , and becoming an industraliased employee ? It is a complex question , a question which might have troubled educational intellectuals for a considerable time . But , the thing is that both these aspects are interelated to each other . If you don't believe me , just keep reading my essay.

If we take a look at the first aspect of learning things for the sake of it , it forms the foundation of how we as human beings have evolved from animals in search of food to beings in search of life outside our planet . The early man can be described as a curious man trying to unreveal the mysteries in the nature . That early man wanted to learn about things around him just for the sake of learning them , just for the sake of satisfying his large stomach of curiosity , just for sake of finding solace and joy in able to understand things in the mysterious nature . That's how the early man discovered how to create fire , that's how the early man invented the wheel , that's how he evolved to today's modern man . History teaches us a lot of things ; One thing it teaches us for sure that if the early man found success in learning things around him for the sake of learning it , then the same process ought to continue even today to give the modern man success to evolve further.

The approach of learning things for the sake of it , forgeting about getting straight A's , forgeting about getting a job and learning just for curiosity and passion will help today's college going students . It will help them in a way to think creatively , to think outside the box , to think in a way which nobody has ever thought before , to thimk about what you have learnt during the day . This does not mean not completing your homework , as homework is no other than a means to understand what you learnt that day . But it means completing your homework in a way that you understand the content well and not just doing homework for getting grades . Not thinking about grades does not mean that you oppose the system and don't pass your exams . But , it means going along with the system without thinking about the grades as a thing which will pressurize you and as well as being passionate enough to learn things , to enjoy them to your heart .

Comming to my point that both aspects of education are interelated , i have a certain believe that a person who learns for the sake of learning , does his homework to really understand the content which he learns daily , will certainly have the good grades and good thinking process to please his employer . Yes , and the approach of thinking which a person would gain through this process will definately help the person come out with new ideas and innovations which the world is waiting for . The approach would help him enable his services help mankind and allow the person to ennoble himself to new standards of success and prosperity .

Learning for learning's sake . If looked closely at the statement , it is apparently noticable that the statement has a very deep meaning and implication within itself . Is learning for the sake of learning , for the love and the joy of learning , or should learning be guided towards getting good grades , getting a good job , and becoming an industraliased employee ? It is a complex question , a question which might have troubled educational intellectuals for a considerable time . But , the thing is that both these aspects are interelated to each other . If you don't believe me , just keep reading my essay .

If we take a look at the first aspect of learning things for the sake of it , it forms the foundation of how we as human beings have evolved from animals in search of food to beings in search of life outside our planet . The early man can be described as a curious man trying to unreveal the mysteries in the nature . That early man wanted to learn about things around him just for the sake of learning them , just for the sake of satisfying his large stomach of curiosity , just for sake of finding solace and joy in able to understand things in the mysterious nature . That's how the early man discovered how to create fire , that's how the early man invented the wheel , that's how he evolved to today's modern man . History teaches us a lot of things ; One thing it teaches us for sure that if the early man found success in learning things around him for the sake of learning it , then the same process ought to continue even today to give the modern man success to evolve further .

The approach of learning things for the sake of it , forgeting about getting straight A's , forgeting about getting a job and learning just for curiosity and passion will help today's college going students . It will help them in a way to think creatively , to think outside the box , to think in a way which nobody has ever thought before , to thimk about what you have learnt during the day . This does not mean not completing your homework , as homework is no other than a means to understand what you learnt that day . But it means completing your homework in a way that you understand the content well and not just doing homework for getting grades . Not thinking about grades does not mean that you oppose the system and don't pass your exams . But , it means going along with the system without thinking about the grades as a thing which will pressurize you and as well as being passionate enough to learn things , to enjoy them to your heart .

Comming to my point that both aspects of education are interelated , i have a certain believe that a person who learns for the sake of learning , does his homework to really understand the content which he learns daily , will certainly have the good grades and good thinking process to please his employer . Yes , and the approach of thinking which a person would gain through this process will definately help the person come out with new ideas and innovations which the world is waiting for . The approach would help him enable his services help mankind and allow the person to ennoble himself to new standards of success and prosperity .

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