A Sticky Situation | Teen Ink

A Sticky Situation

January 8, 2010
By Bubbles2280 BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
Bubbles2280 BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Chewy Situation

Chewing gum was the once forbidden snack for every school age child. In the year of 2005, chewing gum was named the number one snack choice by Americans. New research indicates chewing gum may be good for a number of things that include, increases focus, alertness, and concentration, helps students with ADD, improves IQ scores by about 15 points, relieving everyday stresses, better academic performance, and improves memory. (Limon 1)

Research shows that chewing gum in school should no longer be treated as contraband. Studies have been done to prove teachers wrong and promote the benefits of chewing gum in school. (Gajilan 1)

ADD students already have a hard enough time trying to stay focused, so why not ease some of the stress by allowing them to chew gum during school? Research shows that chewing gum helps increase focus, alertness, and concentration – which benefit ADD students. With the ADD students not being disruptive during class, like getting up and walking around, the teacher will be able to get through more of the lesson plan then resulting in putting the students ahead of the curriculum. By being ahead of the assigned curriculum, students will be more prepared for the following years’ courses.

ADD students aren’t the only the ones who struggle. Chewing gum during school can result in better academic performance. Students will have, better final grades, memory, reading-speed, and believe it or not, class attendance. Chewing gum will help promote better final grades by increasing the blood flow and delivering oxygen to the brain. Memory improvements will be made by up to 35% ("associated content" 1) - more things remembered such as, homework, information for a test, etc. Chewing gum can also increase your reading speed. While chewing when reading can increase your reading-speed by 80% says H. Bernard Wechsler. Lastly it will help with class attendance in two ways. The first way chewing gum during class will promote better class attendance is, research shows that students have been proven to take less breaks (such as, bathroom, water, nurse, etc.) during the school day. This helps with class again learn at a faster pace and be prepared for the following year. The second reason gum chewing affecting class attendance is, sugar-free gum (such as Wrigley Extra) can help prevent tooth decay therefore decreasing time out of class at the dentist.

Aside from helping academically, Research shows that chewing gum throughout the day relieves stress. The same thing applies when taking a test. While taking a test, the worry and stress of failing the test is gone or at least decreased. Some teachers have come up with the solution of chew the gum at home or off school property to get the same effect. Although this may sound like a legitimate excuse, it actually isn’t. In reality students are at school for about 7 hours a day therefore making it like their second home. Students spend more time at school than at home. The effect will not be the same. Research suggests that to get the effect of gum, you need to chew it every 3-4 hours – which is nearly impossible if students aren’t allowed to chew gum during school hours.

By allowing gum in school, schools would have a lot more money. Think, most too all students like gum, so if the school started selling it they would make tons of profit. Having the school sell gum can also result in less farting around in class to try and find somebody who has a piece of gum. By fundraising this way, the school would have more money to do things for the school, such as host more school dances, more fieldtrips, the money could also go to the teachers who buy candy for their class. In my opinion, students become more engaged in the class when there is some sort of prize. Then students are paying attention more during class, which leads to better final grades. It’s kind of like a chain reaction. School sells gum, students don’t have to worry about finding a piece of gum, teachers have more time to teach during class.

The way a chain reaction works is, one thing is based off of the other. So if teachers interrupt the process, the whole thing is ruined. Teachers are always telling students that the reason behind the gum policy is because students put the gum under desks, chairs, etc. Ask yourself this, why do kids really put gum under the desk? Here’s why, they are afraid of getting in trouble so they put it under the desk when they are done (which is really disgusting). But if students didn’t get in trouble for chewing gum then it would end up in the right place. My question is why can’t teachers give us the responsibility and then teach us how to use it, instead of completely taking it away from everybody when only a few people are doing it.

I may be wrong for wanting gum in school, teachers may have a deeper meaning as to why they don’t allow it, but in my opinion, all the positives over power the negatives of chewing gum in school.

Works cited
The Many Useful Benefits of Chewing Gum." associated content (2007): 1. Web. 9 Dec 2009.

Limon , Connie. "Chewing Gum Has Several Benefits." self growth (2007): 1. Web. 9 Dec 2009.

Gajilan, Chris. "Chew on this: Gum may be good for body, mind." CNNhealth 1. Web. 10 Dec

2009. <http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/22/chewing.gum.benefits/index.html>.

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This article has 26 comments.

Mr. W said...
on Jan. 31 2010 at 9:04 pm
Interesting and informative. Lots of thoughtful comments and suggestions. It might work if schools would give it a chance!

Katmah said...
on Jan. 31 2010 at 6:54 pm
They convinced me students should be able to chew gum in school. Good Job!!

squeaky said...
on Jan. 31 2010 at 4:54 pm
Good job bubbles, love the article!

boomer8564 said...
on Jan. 31 2010 at 9:59 am
Great article! Just don't like where the gum ends up.

pta5 said...
on Jan. 31 2010 at 8:49 am
Just wanted to say that this was avery good story, liked the detail and the information on pro side of chewing gum. Good luck

HubbaBubba said...
on Jan. 30 2010 at 8:55 pm
Great article!! :)