Coming of an Engineer | Teen Ink

Coming of an Engineer

September 27, 2019
By johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Master Ugwe

How hard is it to become an engineer? For me I believe that I’m going to have to go through a lot of training. I’ll need a lot of determination. I want to become an engineer because I want to help the future for the people. I believe that the future of humanity will be in the hands of those who are willing to put hours on the line.

I want to become an engineer because I’ve always had a curiosity for buildings and robots. It makes me think about what else we can do to help one another for the future of mankind. While I was a child I was always drawn to legos and building structures. 

To becoming an engineer I’ll need to learn how to code and work with electronics. First I’ll have to start by working on beginner robots and how to make them move and how they process. I’ll also need to find a college that is great at teaching engineering.I will also need to find a way to earn money for college. I will most likely work for a scholarship or I’ll need to find another way to earn money.

I believe that if I put in enough hard work and exceed the expectations I would get my dream goal as an engineer. As of now I must study and keep my grades up above a 3.0 and keep learning how to code so in the future I would not need to take so long to learn. 

The author's comments:

I believe that people should do something that they love to do becuase if you don't you'll hate it and live everyday but not really living just doing the same things over and over agian. people should do what they love so they can really enjoy living and being alive.

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