The Case for Less Homework | Teen Ink

The Case for Less Homework

May 10, 2019
By Anonymous

Upon arriving home from school, students are bombarded with so much homework and studying to do that is overwhelming and stressful to even set one's eyes upon. From this observation, it can be concluded that students should not have to do so much homework in only a few hours. If students have less homework, they have more free time to spend with their family and friends. Moreover, less homework for students can relieve stress from their lives, giving them good grades and better health. Opposing arguments would say that students need homework in order to understand the material being learned in class, but I say that students should make their own decisions on how seriously they take their studies. Students should have less homework because it would provide students with more free time and minimize stress.

Students should have less homework because it would allow them to have more free time. Free time allows students to be more involved in their daily lives. Students are able to enjoy extracurriculars and contribute to society, while also making friends and becoming more well rounded. Students also use their spare time to be more involved with their family by spending time with those they love. Additionally, more free time allows students to get more sleep. With more spare time and less homework, students are able to go to bed at a reasonable hour, instead of staying up late trying to finish homework. Students are energized and ready to learn when they get enough sleep and their brain also operates much more efficiently. In conclusion, students should have less homework because more free time allows them to be more involved and get more sleep.

Students should be assigned less homework because a heavy workload can lead to stress. Foremost, stress can lead to slipping grades. Students become overwhelmed by a lot of homework and do not know how to manage their workload, causing their grades to slip. When a student is stressed, their brain is not working to its fullest potential, which can lead to academic failure. Moreover, stress can lead to bad health. Students miss more school because they are stressed and overtired due to the obnoxious amount of homework, they receive each night.  According to recent studies, forty-one percent of college students suffer from anxiety and thirty-six percent suffer from depression all due to their school workload. To summarize, stress is a side effect of too much homework that can be prevented if students were given minimal homework.

People who disagree with my argument may say that students will not know what is going on in class if they don't have homework to practice. To support this argument, they would declare that students need the independent practice that homework provides. They would also say that homework is essential for students to make good grades on their tests and quizzes. Although this argument seems reasonable, I think that teachers should have higher expectations for their students and allow each student to decide what they need extra help. Students should not have to come home to mounds of homework after a long day of endless lectures and learning. Homework's purpose is to reinforce what is learned in school, but too much of it can negatively affect a student's grades. Opposing arguers of students having less homework would say that students will not be aware of what is going on in class because they need the independent practice that homework gives them, but I believe that students are perfectly capable of practicing on their own and making school a priority for themselves.

Less stress and more free time are just two examples of why students should have less homework. First of all, minimal homework would relieve stress from student's lives and improve their overall performance. They would also be able to spend more time with their family and friends and enjoy after-school activities if they had more free time. Even though opposing arguments would say that students need homework in order to understand the material being learned in class, I say that students should make their own decisions on how seriously they take their studies. I am confident that less homework will not only improve a student's grades, but it will also positively impact their health and well-being. practice that homework gives them, but I believe that students are perfectly capable of practicing on their own and making school a priority for themselves.

Less stress and more free time are just two examples of why students should have less homework. First of all, minimal homework would relieve stress from student's lives and improve their overall performance. They would also be able to spend more time with their family and friends and enjoy after-school activities if they had more free time. Even though opposing arguments would say that students need homework in order to understand the material being learned in class, I say that students should make their own decisions on how seriously they take their studies. I am confident that less homework will not only improve a student's grades, but it will also positively impact their health and well-being.

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This essay is about why students should have less homework. 

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