Middle School and its Problems | Teen Ink

Middle School and its Problems

February 14, 2019
By Schoolsucks BRONZE, Silsbee, Texas
Schoolsucks BRONZE, Silsbee, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Middle school is by far the weirdest time of life. There are so many changes and difficulties for tweens to contend with. Of course, there is pressure to perform in academics, athletics, and activities. There is pressure to fit in with their peers, family strife, and the complexities of social media. That’s all true of high school and even college, but the middle school years bring unique challenges indicative of that age. Knowing the difficulties of middle schoolers gives us more empathy and strategy in helping them establish their place in the world. Here are the top 5 middle school problems tweens are facing.

1. The Awkward Phase
Their bodies feel out of control and so life is full of feelings of embarrassment. Then you have those who develop quicker or later than others, which breeds insecurity and instability. Early adolescents essentially still possess all of the self-absorption of a child, but without the same cuteness. It leaves the rest of the culture feeling annoyed by them, and the funny thing is that they are either unaware or don’t care. More than likely, they’re unaware. The don’t care phase is more related to high schoolers. In the end, though, the world of uncertainty surrounding them leads to perpetual feelings of angst.

2. Changing Friendships
The relationships they had in elementary school start to change. Many kids experience having less and less in common with their childhood friends. Without the social skills to deal with the complexity of changing relationships they tend to coldly disassociate with one another resulting in hurt feelings. For example, one child may be left wondering why his “best friend” no longer wants to hang out with him. So not only are their bodies unpredictable, but their social structure is as well.

3. Living In A Culture Of Meanness
Middle school is the apex of the mean environment. Unfortunately, only the political arena is worse. At least tweens have some kind of excuse. In their angst caused by the uncertainty around them, they are looking to reacquire some sense of control. Putting down someone else or even bullying gives them a sense of the power they are lacking. Since they have not developed the part of the brain that helps them evaluate cause and effect, they don’t have the ability to recognize the damage they are causing to the person they are destroying. So the meanness is fierce and relentless.

4. Alone In Groups
Due to the mean environment, middle school friendships are generally formed out of a need for protection. Their groups offer a safe haven, as long as the group is strong. A group is only as strong as its weakest person so each person has to posture strength no matter how they feel. Therefore, the trust and vulnerability levels are shallow. So even in a group of “friends”, most feel alone. For those unable to find a group the feeling of loneliness can be unbearable.

5. The Independence Vs. Dependence Paradox
In the tween phase, kids move towards independence from their parents. However, they still crave the security and support parents offer. It’s as if they are holding up a stop sign while motioning their parents to come in. Parents are left in a confusing situation. They have a kid who looks more adult like but still has the mental ability of a child. Ultimately, a tween wants their parents involved in their lives. They want their parents’ guidance but in their timing and on their terms.

The author's comments:

Always be confident in yourself! 

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