The Struggle Sports and School | Teen Ink

The Struggle Sports and School

October 30, 2018
By taylormullins BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
taylormullins BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Readers:

Ted plays baseball.  He does not do his homework and is failing classes as a result.  After getting help from his teacher however he gets his grade up. There are many athletes that really struggle with school and sports. There are ways to manage them effectively. They may not be the most exciting ways but they are the most effective. Sports and school can be balanced through time management and extra help.  

One way school and sports can be managed is time management. For example, getting your work done in school so you wont have as much work to do at home is one way. Using your time in class instead of joking around is a perfect example. When you are joking around you could get in trouble and penalized for slacking in school, also not doing your work could get you kicked off the team for not doing what is asked, sports are a privilege not a right. Another way is using time wisely. When you get a lot of work, it stresses you out, if your using your time wisely you won’t have so much work which causes less stress. When you’re stressed it may cause you to be uninvolved in sports or cause you to play bad. According to Yosepha Greenfield,  “If you have a final paper due that week that counts as 50 percent of your grade work on your paper first” and “once you’ve checked the big ticket items off your list you’ll feel so much better as you move on to lower priority tasks” (“7 time management”). This is important because doing hard things first will make time pass on the easy ones.

Another way school and sports can be balanced is getting help. If you get help with your work, then you won’t be as stressed. The reason is if your struggling asking for help to understand it will make it easier. Staying after school during the week if you have fallen behind is one opinion . Staying after school will help you get back on task, so you aren’t as worried about falling back and keep the stress level down. According to League Network, asking your team mates for help or advise might make it easier on you to know how others manage their time since most kids don’t like to ask for help (“7 tips on how to balance”). Asking people you know is easier than asking someone you don’t know and  worrying about being judged.

In conclusion, time management and getting extra help are great ways to balance school and sports. If students effectively manage schools and sports while young, they will learn to manage well in a business environment and can help others who struggle. Being able to help others who struggle as a teen is great learning skill as an adult. Wouldn´t learning time management as a teenager be more effective in the adult life?



Taylor M.

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