My Opinion on Hair | Teen Ink

My Opinion on Hair

July 30, 2016
By Anonymous

 Everybody has their different opinions on hair. Some people like long hair or short hair, even no hair at all. I decide I wanted to write about hair, so I made three topics I could write about. My thesis is on hairstyles, textures, and accessories. I am going to show my opinion on each topic.


First off, there are thousands of hairstyles in the world. I have only to experience less than 10 hairstyles. I have always wanted longer hair, so I could do a lot more to it, but I manage with short hair. I am not the type of person that likes styles that do to much like, a mullet or styles that look like a hat. Over time my opinon might change and I will have tried tons of hairstyles.


Next, there are textures. My favorite texture is silky straight, but sometimes I am in the mood for a deep curl. It is kind of funny because people with curly usually want straight hair and people with straight hair want curly hair. I love the fact that hair textures are so diverse. There are all sorts of textures like straight, curly, kinky, wavy, coiled, and etc. 


Finally, we have accessories. I love flower crowns it adds color, detail, and style, depending on what type you get. There's also bandanas, they give a nice rustic feel. Now when it comes to hair accessories it is almost impossible to find something you don't like. If I had to find one accessories I don't like it would be "The Banana Clip". It makes your ponytails look like a mane.


I have shown you my opinions on hairstyles, textures, and accessories. Your opinion might not be the same as mind, but that's ok. A little advice for an ending. Don't let anybody tell you, you can't. If you don't like it fix.

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