The Spoiled Generation | Teen Ink

The Spoiled Generation

January 22, 2016
By dodsonmaren BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
dodsonmaren BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The explicit difference, between the millennium generation and generation x, is things as simple as respect and as motley as technology and the economy. The technology variation has to do with pretty much everything tied into the internet, which is everything to generation x. Apple products as a unabridged have brought out apps and more social media sites. Then straightforward things like respect towards others and yourself, ties into technology as well, which restricts freedom. If you think about it, it affects the economy by kids not doing as much and are spending less money.

Generation X doesn’t enjoy immunity as much as earlier generations, who seem to enjoy involvement. The younger generation, from my prospect, would like to revel in college and getting the degree they want like earlier generations but simply either can’t afford it or they have to study something that they will get a good job with. Generation Y, on the other hand, loved having that freedom although they knew they would have student loans and they may not find a job with what they studied. Until one gets into college they can’t be sure what they am going to be when they get to that level, they can’t be sure they will have a job either, yet they can just try their hardest to work towards getting into a good college.

The economy is the main source of this difference. As one could see it, your whole aura can change whether or whether not you are allowed to do something, which is usually related to money, economy. Then, when you can’t do what you want, respect comes into play. They yell and scream; well, some kids do, at their parents. Not only is that disrespectful but then they may take their phones and tweet about it or text a friend saying how much their parents “suck” and such. Then, in the future when they go in for a job, they can see that and may be concerned about one's attitude at work. Generation X didn’t have this “luxury”, so to speak, because they didn’t have Internet or cell phones.

Generation Y, as of today, is not of any bad difference to before but has a definite impact on the future. Take MySpace as an example for early Generation Y, then add on Facebook and Twitter, now Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Skype, ooVoo, FaceTime. Even in my english class we use Edmodo to submit assignments, not bad, just different. Take the economy now as well. In earlier generations they use to borrow sugar from their neighbors, now most people hardly know the people on their street. One may barely see them because they have to be at work two hours early to get overtime so you have income to pay the bills. For the future, hopefully this improves. Meaning we sort of go back in time, instead of becoming farther and farther apart with everyone around us we become convenient and more civil. For example when someone is being annoying you have to restrain yourself instead of just punching him or her.

Essentially, the two generations are distinctly different, not only from the big picture as in technology, but also with little things like respect. It’s not a big deal. There will be a unmistakable difference between all procreations. Although saying every single person in a certain generation is that way isn’t exactly ethical. It seems to be of habit to judge a kid on their age and obviously, generation. But, saying that the individual one is sitting beside treats their parents the same as they do makes them completely oblivious to the person themselves like they aren’t humane. Both generation X and Y are distinctly characterized and labeled, but both are significant to how things can and will be in the future.

The author's comments:

When you go out to movies or when you sit in class you will find the majority of todays generations on some sore of electronic. The differences in how much I use my phone and how much my dad uses his phone is crazy. He grew up doing some stupid and reckless things... the craziest thing I've done is gone on a roller coaster. I don't have the same crazy-stupid teenage drive him and my mom did when they were a teenager. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 11 2016 at 6:11 am
KayeIsWriting SILVER, Oxford, Alabama
9 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!" - Franklin Roosevelt

I was born in 2002, but I don't even have a cell phone. The only social media I have is Google/Google+ and I usually stay out of trouble. The only trouble I ever have is my temper, attitude and lying, but that's pretty normal for my age. But then again, look at my age group right now. I won't have to get a job until like, my sophomore year, I'll graduate when I'm seventeen if all of my classes and grading goes right. What Generation are you from?