Is Technology Killing Our Friendships? | Teen Ink

Is Technology Killing Our Friendships?

January 13, 2016
By portwrestler BRONZE, Woodward Township, Pennsylvania
portwrestler BRONZE, Woodward Township, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I personally do not use technology a lot. I get online about three times a day; to either check scores or results about an event,and to listen to music to get motivated for a game, meet, or a match.  At my school that makes me abnormal.  The fact that I do not have social media that makes me practically Amish. I believe technology is killing our friendships. Most of teens are irresponsible, lack social skills, and are vulnerable to great danger.
Parents will argue that teenagers will not learn responsibility and maturity

if teens do not have an opportunity to prove responsibility. But the weakness to that statement simply is teenagers could end up hurt or dead, because of technology. Teenagers could take a picture of them or their friends doing drugs, sipping alcohol, or flashing gang signs. Then they post it being funny not seeing the wrongness in the situation or the negative impact it might have. When these teenagers go to apply for college, or try to get a job the colleges and employers are going to see these pictures and not except them or hire them.

Now experts will argue that pretty soon everything will be done electrically and interviews will be done electronically so having great social skills is not terribly important. The weakness to that statement is if that were to happen in the next ten years, which it’s not, teenagers will still have to work with co-workers. Most teenagers spend more than 44 hours in front of screens a week that is more than an average work week.  If kids do not get off screens and talk to people face to face teens will not be able to function in society.

Some will argue that teens are smart enough to not join terrorist groups or keep themselves out of harm's way. But teens are not they do stupid things that get us hurt or killed. In reality anybody can get kidnapped or brainwashed to join a terrorist group. So because of teen’s lack of wisdom they are vulnerable to great danger. 
So, is technology killing our friendships?  Yes, if we do not change these things that I’ve talked about America could and will go downhill fast if we do not change theses things. America’s fate is in teenagers hands, if we do not mature, develop social skills, and put ourselves out of harm’s way of predators and terrorist groups America could go into a dark,dark age. So if you have a kid at home who is always on their phone make them take a break every once and awhile. If you don’t this great country could go to hell.

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