The Dark Continent | Teen Ink

The Dark Continent

May 25, 2015
By sandyswitch SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
sandyswitch SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I have lived in one place and known only the cultures of that place for like the first thirteen years of my life. I knew only about Africa. I had never really been interested in other cultures or how many people live in the world. Moving to America made me realize more about the world and how empty I was towards my knowledge about other people. I came to realize how interesting other cultures are especially those in America like, Halloween. One thing I don’t like is how people are so blind towards what Africa is like.

Yes it is true that Africa is one of the poorest continents in the world and with the lowest economy but it does not mean that everyone in Africa is poor. What people don’t seem to know is that Africa is one of the richest continents in the world. We have the highest amount of mineral resources in the world. We might not be rich physically, but we are rich in resources. We are the most natural people in the world.

It really surprised when I moved here, how many people asked me if I have seen a lion before or if we live with lions in our homes. Questions like this made me realize how people are ignorant to the cultures of Africa. It would be really interesting to see a person live in the same house with lions and the person is still alive. I personally have never seen a lion before and as much as I love them, I would not want to eaten by on. Sometimes, I have tried to ask people to describe how their image of Africa would be and everybody I ask always gives me the same answer. The answer is always a little village with people living in little hurts. They are almost naked and their occupation is hunting.

Yes Africa might be poor but that does not mean it is because the people the people live in the jungle. If people think Africa is that poor, then how would they describe countries in Africa like South Africa which is considered as one of the richest countries in Africa. How rich would they think they are? I personally, I have never been poor or lived in a poor community and I would not say I am rich either but I have lived in a middle class home. Both my parents are teachers and I have always been provided with everything I need.

One of the ways people always portray Africa is through videos of hungry children, poor environments and dirty people. This makes me think that is how the world thinks of us. I can name countries in the world poorer than some African countries with worst conditions. Why do they not show big cities in Africa like Pretoria in South Africa, Nairobi in Kenya, Cairo in Egypt, Yaoundé in Cameroon and not to name the rest?

Africa should not just be known as the Dark Continent like it has been called for a long time. We don’t live in caves or hut houses and we definitely do wear clothes. We are not a group of hungry people and we live in good houses. I just want that for once Africa should be portrayed in a positive way. At least for once, our good sides should be shown. We are better than what people think we are. And as for us Africans, we should try to change our image in the world. we need a better image so that the world can see us differently as supposed to.

The author's comments:

Poeple should open their eyes to Africa

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fezi said...
on Aug. 29 2016 at 11:43 am
true,africa is not a dark continent and its sad that people from other continents say this about our continent when we do not see the darkness