Popular ads of the Super Bowl | Teen Ink

Popular ads of the Super Bowl

February 12, 2012
By TheBoulder GOLD, Plainsboro, New Jersey
TheBoulder GOLD, Plainsboro, New Jersey
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was that time of year again, time for the Super Bowl to take place. However, I was not intrigued with the game itself. As a Jets fan, I did not find the match-up exhilarating at all. But that may be because both the New York Giants and the New England Patriots are rivals of the New York Jets, so I am a bit biased in my statement that the match was the least intriguing. But what compelled my to watch the Super Bowl was my understanding of how unique the advertisements are.
Although there were not many funny ads, in comparison to previous years, there were some that caught my attention. One that especially grabbed my attention was an advertisement, or trailer, for the movie The Dictator. This ad portrayed a dictator who was competing in a race. As he and the racers got in the “ready” stance, and the announcer said,” Get set” he started running before the other contestants and shot a gun that indicated the start of the race. Then, as he was running, he took his gun and shot some of his competitors, and the the people at the finish line were moving the finish line to the dictator! It was a hilarious commercial; however it was a bit violent. I definitely think that this ad has achieved its purpose, and lured many people (like me) to decide to watch the movie. I cannot wait to see the movie, though it may be rated R for restricted.
Another of my personal favorites was the M&M ad on, but don’t get me started on that. After the Super Bowl was over, I realized that the program was much more interesting than I thought it would be. And, although I was astonished, I was able to comprehend the fact that the companies spend millions of dollars for just thirty seconds on the Super Bowl! Now it has been just a while since the Super Bowl, yet I can’t wait for the next, but hopefully not just for the ads (Go Jets). I wonder what America will think up of next!

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