The Sudden Rise in Dystopian Literature | Teen Ink

The Sudden Rise in Dystopian Literature

February 5, 2019
By ntodd42 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
ntodd42 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Picture the normal world we are in right now, all the rights we have, and freedom, now picture a world that is not perfect that technology may be in control or a strict government and no rights. Dystopian literature has seen a rise in popularity because teens believe that the world is against them which they want a change.

Teens are the ones that have been bringing dystopian literature backup to popularity because they want change.After reading The Dystopian Story Harrison Bergeron I noticed that the Teen Harrison has also wanted a change.In the story Kurt Vonnegut states that “had a little mental handicap radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times. It was tuned to a government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains.” and by the end of the story Harrison shows he wants change so he fights against the government to set change.That’s why I feel teens read dystopian books because they all have some kind of change from the real world.I Have read over 30 articles and almost every article about why dystopian literature has made it’ rise to fame again is because of teenagers all around the world.In an article I read called “Divergent: why dystopian rules for teenagers” by Mollie Goodfellow she states in 1the article that “A close friend is an English teacher at a top north London school. She asked the students in her literature society (hence "top" school) to pick any theme to discuss for their next session. There was only one subject they wanted to talk about — dystopias — and only one novel they wanted to read (or rather, re-read): Divergent, Veronica Roth’s thriller that is now also a film that will be released next week”. After reading that from the article it shows how dystopian literature is getting its rise back to fame.


Dystopian literature has seen a huge rise in numbers and popularity since it’s originated.A big theory experts have seem to found is that dystopian literature mainly rooted from utopian fiction.Studies show dystopian literature has sold many more books than it has in the past.There are approximately 270 dystopian stories published since the 1900’s. Studies say Dystopian stories dated back to the 19th century where they rooter strongly from utopian fiction.Dystopian stories actually go back a long time all the way to 1895 when H.G Wells published “The Time Machine”.Since the books have started to sell really good over the years and everyone was loving them the movie industry decided why settle from making money from book’s when we can make movies over the same thing and make tons of money from films.When all the movies start to make a rise in popularity then it just showing more and more love for the books because the movies are just reeling them in right back to the books where they came from.

The author's comments:

This article shows the sudden rise in dystopian literature and how this populairty formed.

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