Are Video Games That Bad? | Teen Ink

Are Video Games That Bad?

December 19, 2014
By Anonymous

\Video Games have earned a pretty bad reputation, especially violent ones. The reason for these games having a bad reputation is that people believe that they cause young people to become more violent and that these games should be banned. Violence in children may correlate with video games, but that does not mean that there is causation. Older generations had their equivalents to video games, and video games also have a few good characteristics to them.

Most of the people that are trying to blame video games for certain kids behavior, are of the older generation such as our parents or even grandparents generation. But whether it is now or then, kids have always played games of violence whether it be virtual or real. Before video games, kids used to play Cowboys and Indians, War, and Cops and Robbers, etc. These were all done with the same intent as video games which is to release the inner urge to go through these outrageous adventures while forgetting about the real world.

Video games have many benefits both mental and physical but of all of them, video games are a stress reliever. From shooter games to arcade games, video games relieve stress and this can make many of our lives easier in areas where we need to relax and exit reality for a moment. This goes for teenagers as well. Teenagers are full of school work and many of life's' other stressors and playing games is a great way to take a break from the reality of work. The fact that video games can help stress  for people of non specific ages means that it is not only for the young. This increases it's ability to change society as a whole for the better.

Another benefit to playing video games is being able to multitask. Video games can teach a person better hand-eye-coordination but not only that, it can also teach you how to multitask. Most video games have a lot of things happening all at once and this make people better at doing more than one thing at a time in the real world.
Video games may be a distractor but they have their benefits just like everything else in our world. Everything has its faults but just because video games correlate with violence does not mean that they should be banned especially when they have a handful of benefits.

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