The Truth Behind Music | Teen Ink

The Truth Behind Music

September 27, 2014
By infinitskies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
infinitskies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Music. One of the world's best source of enjoyment and entertainment. Do you know how everybody says that "Music gets rid of the pain" or "Music is the solution to everything" or "Music is a whole new world that you can go to when you're depressed"? Well, now you do. But. Is it True? Is the 'fact' that music 'gets rid of the pain' actually True? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but the answer is a big fat NO.


So what does music do? It produces soundwaves that travel through the air through particles into your ear where the brain processes it and turns it into what we actually hear. That's all it does. It doesn't solve your problems. It doesn't cure the pain. There is no 'new world' where you go to to stay safe from your suffering. It makes you forget about it. And only temporarily. Because once your headphones or your earphones come off, and you face reality again, the weight and burden of all the pain you were already carrying just comes back. All at once. Imagine how that must feel. If you don't know, it feels like Mephastopheles had pushed you through a hole into hell, just like Doctor Faustus, and made you suffer for eternity. That's what it feels like. Music isn't something that eases the pain. It amplifies all your past suffers and burdens and then rubs it right in your face.


Besides, what's the point of listening to depressing music when depressed? Won't the sad music just make you feel worse? Absolutely Ridiculous. Sure, we all love music, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't listen to music, because I still do, just not for me to feel better when depressed, or for anything like that. BUT, if you are using music to hide away the pain, I would advise you not to. It doesn't help. Music doesn't help. Music is music, not a painkiller. Don't hurt yourselves even further by blindly assuming that music can fix your troubles. Because it can't.

The author's comments:

Everyone says that music is the solution to every problem. Well here's the thing: Music is useless. All it does is cover up the pain. But once the headphones are off your ears, it all just comes back. The sadness, the shame, everything.

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