Visions from Cable | Teen Ink

Visions from Cable

March 14, 2011
By laurelsullivan BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
laurelsullivan BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just be yourself, because the people who mind don't matter, and the people that matter don't mind"
-Dr Seuss

While scrolling through the seven hundred something channels on you T.V., you come across some pretty nasty things. In one show, people are doing drugs. In another, they are having a shoot-out, and in the next, half the words are bleeped out. Sometimes young kids get ahold of the remote and decide to watch one of these shows. Next thing you know half of their speech should be bleeped out. This simple television show had a great impact on this child. I think TV has too great of an impact on today's youth.
Today television is filled with crude language, violence, inappropriateness, drugs, alcohol, and worse. We spend many hours a week watching TV. Sometimes we don't even watch this stuff. But, it's only a channel away. We need to fix what we put on television. It is to easily available to a young child, or even older child. What we take in Is often what we put out.

The author's comments:
My own experiences with the impact of television gave me the idea for this peace. When my sister was five or so, she started calling my brother an idiot because she learned it from Spongebob. We weren't allowed to watch Spongebob anymore, even though it wasn't that serious.

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