Shades of Love | Teen Ink

Shades of Love

January 30, 2016
By Sarrahf BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Sarrahf BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars." -W.Clement Stone

Love. Love is a peculiar thing, as many say, not that I know why they say this. There are many different definitions of love, depending on the person defining it. Just one definition of the word that has such a vast meaning simply cannot be penned down. Even though each of us have our own meaning, the general idea is common, and is one many of us across the globe share. Love comes across in different forms, and it could be love for people, places or even things.  If you truly do love someone/something, they say you should express it. If you love someone let them know, maybe they love you too. Not that I don’t completely agree with this statement, but what if you tell them, and they happen to be bitter about it? What if they don’t love you back? What if they feel they have a certain power over you because you told them? What if they make fun? What if they hurt you because of what you said? What then?  What are you supposed to do, forget that you ever told them and move on with your life? Sure, you could do that but deep down, you will always remember, how much ever you try to forget. Love can destroy you, it can make you do things you never wanted to, it can break friendships/relationships, it can stop you from doing a lot of things. But that is, only if you let it. On the other hand, love can heal you, it can make you feel like a whole new person, a changed person. It can make you happier, and better as a human being. Don’t we all need a little love in this dark, cruel world? Just a little bit, sprinkle a little bit of love everywhere. Love can be in the form of a smile, in the form of food, in the form of a kiss or a hug, a simple ‘Call me when you get home and let me know you’re safe.’ We just have to open our eyes, and look around. We find love in the smallest, most hopeless of corners, and when we do, we feel like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders, you don’t feel oppressed anymore. Loving people may seem like an easy thing to do, but in reality it takes patience, and tolerance, and emotions. There are two types of love that we show for people. Love on social media, which I sometimes consider fake love, and love not on social media. What tends to happen on a social networking site, is that sometimes, maybe to gain popularity or just to say it, we say we love the person, maybe because they left a nice comment on your picture, or maybe its their birthday. Whatever the occasion, we say we love them, and sometimes that is not true, and we don’t mean it. This is what I call Page 3 love, and I call it this because you use the word just for attention, or to make it seem like you don’t have a problem with anyone, or just because you have to keep up a public profile of yourself. Real love, is when you don’t even have to tell the person everyday, you just show it by the way you talk to them and the way you treat them. Even if you go days without talking, you don’t second guess whether the person who you were talking to still loves you or not, because you know that they do. According to me, loving a person and being in love with a person are two completely different things. Being in love, is when your feelings for the person are so strong you’re willing to do anything for them, deal with their tantrums, fight for the love you have, and when they’re not in the best of moods, you somehow find yourself down in the dumps too. Falling in love with a person can either be the best thing that’s happened to you, or the worst. Once you’re in love with a person, there’s no going back. How much ever you try, you always will have feelings for that person, and they may not be on a large scale, but you still will. Falling out of love with someone, is probably one of the hardest, most painful things you will ever have to do. Once we fall in love, we get infatuated with the person, and there’s no going back after that.  You get affected by every little thing they do or say, and you only hope that the person you love, loves you back. In my opinion, falling in love with a person is the most heart breaking thing to do. When someone you’re in love with, or someone you love dies, or leaves you , you feel a sort of emptiness inside. Your heart pounds hundred times faster, you want to talk but your voice is shaky, you want to be strong for others around you but instead you just burst into a puddle of tears. A wave of emotions takes over you. That is what love does, and if this has happened to you at any point in time, you have fallen deeply in love. They say once you’re in love with somebody, you can’t love anybody else. I do not completely disagree with this statement, yet however I do not completely agree with it either. I did mention above that we always continue having feelings for the person we truly love, but that does not mean we cannot love anybody else, even if you don’t give them your entire heart, you’re giving them a part of it which is a lot in todays world where people don’t  want to share anything. This one word, can make or break a relationship. It can make or break a persons heart. It can make or break your life. Love can also be materialistic, such as love for bags, shoes, clothing, gadgets etc. We sometimes let this materialistic love take over, and get blinded by it. Many people say ‘I love you’ but don’t actually mean it, and that’s the worst kind of I love you because you might think its true but it really isn’t. Don’t say something if you don’t mean it. Don’t let it control you, its just a word. Just a four letter word, with such a vast meaning. 4 letters. That’s all. You either let these 4 letters make you, or break you. But in the end, that’s all they are, letters. Love, is just a word. However, what you infer of this word is completely on you. But this just explained everything love is, according to me of course.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 7 2016 at 8:09 am
what an excellent article, absolutely loved it