Friends | Teen Ink


March 25, 2015
By CLamp BRONZE, Goose Lake, Iowa
CLamp BRONZE, Goose Lake, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Friends are what make life better. I consider myself to have a lot of friends and they impact my life. Without friends life would be boring.

Suzy texted me and I told her that I would go shopping with her. We went to the mall and went through all the stores. It was the worst experience I’ve had shopping. I carried her clothes and had to be at her every call. I didn’t have any fun and felt like a butler. I don’t want to be her servant I would rather be her friend.
Pretty soon it’s Christmas and who do I give gifts to? Who do I spend my money and creativity on? I have my family and sure they can be considered friends; however, they are the type of friend that I don’t have a choice of being with. My friends from school are all great, but who will triumph? I only choose a select few.
We all have friends. We all know who is important to us; in fact, I didn’t feel guilty for only getting a few friends gifts.

What is a friend? How do we classify friends? What makes them friends? A friend is someone you can be real with but be weird too. On they consider a friend as these:
1. “A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.”
2. “A person associated with another as a contact on a social-networking website”
We all have friends. We all have the same types of friends and there are many types of friends.  


“Most neuroses and some psychoses can be traced to the unnecessary and unhealthy habit of daily wallowing in the troubles and sins of five billion strangers.” ? Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
The Facebook friend is someone that a person may not actually know. Most Facebook friends are strangers that we decided to become “friends” with. Sure there may be people like Aunt Linda that want to keep up with what her family is doing.
Yet for most people, friends on social media are not friends at all. On my Facebook I have friended people that I don’t know or don’t like. For example, Sherri wanted to add me on Facebook and become my friend even though I’ve only talked to her once. Facebook friends are an illusion of friends. 


The “indirect” friend is someone that is just there. No one particularly told them to tag along or even show up, it just happened. The friend “group” would function fine if they weren’t there. They might even be someone likable and a decent friend.  If someone doesn’t know who the tag along is, chances are it is them.
Shania is an indirect friend. One day at school we were eating lunch and it was a surprise to me to hear Shania tell me that she was gone yesterday. I knew there was something missing at lunch yesterday. I didn’t even notice she was gone. I felt bad; however, there’s a reason I didn’t know she was gone. 



A close friend can influence life greatly. These friends impact every aspect of life and will always give you their honest opinion.  They are the sensible part of life that will keep everything in check.
  Life is a runway, and I don’t have style or effort. What I wear to school is usually horrible and I can always trust Taylor to tell me how bad it is. Her honesty doesn’t make me angry or depressed, it makes me grateful that someone will be honest and make me think twice about how I present myself. Although as a close friend to her, it is expected to return the favor.
As a close friend it is my job to have her back. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and coincidently he happened to be in P.E. the day we played dodgeball. Like the good friend I am, I hit him in the head with a dodgeball. It was embarrassing for him and made an epic tale to tell my friend that I had in some way avenged her.


A best friend is the person that ranks first. They have all the qualities of a close friend but with more. They are so close that they are basically family. They are one of the most important and influential people in your life. They know you better than anyone else.
My best friend’s family is my family. When I come over it feels like a second home and I’m close to all of her family. When I was at my best friend Sami’s house, I was greeted by the whole family and even referenced to as one of the children. 
The best friend is the most important friend of all.


A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels

Knowing what kind of friends there are isn’t enough. It’s also important to know what kind of friend you are. Are you a close friend? Are you Someone’s best friend? What do you want to be to someone else? How do you impact someone else’s life? Being a good friend is important.
Being a good friend is important to me. And it should be important to others too. To the girl who needs advice or the boy that just got dumped, there should be a friend there to help them in their time of need. Everybody needs a friend, so shouldn’t you return the favor?

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This article has 1 comment.

jimmy lol said...
on Nov. 3 2016 at 12:00 pm
what type of text structure is this formatted in