Key to more Sex and Money | Teen Ink

Key to more Sex and Money

November 18, 2014
By Anonymous

Over the past few decades, people have been getting married later in life as time has gone on. The fact is, people are getting married about four years later in life than in previous generations. Why? So many of us teens want that “college experience” that everyone talks about: parties on the weekends, and not being tied down to one person so we can move from one to the next. The famous no strings attached hookups. People should get married younger, because although it may seem better to have more freedom and fun, it can be even more rewarding to be married at a younger age.

        If you approached a man that was twenty-one years old and noticed a wedding band, would you be shocked, or intrigued by it? Many people may think he is crazy to be married so young, and older people may think he is senseless or immature for committing at a young age, throwing away his “golden years.”  Truth is, people that are married, between the ages of 22 and 28 are happier in general than those that are not married according to the “Knot Yet ” report by the National Marriage Project. Happiness is not the only benefit of being married at a young age. 

Surprisingly, married men actually make more money than those who are not married. The most significant increase is seen in ages around 20 years old. This is surprising because all guys know that it takes money to please most girls. The The American Community Survey found the results in their three year survey working with the U.S Census. So to all those guys and girls that want to stay single to save money before you are married, think again!

        Another reason people often do not get married young is because they like to have sex. Guys and girls go for a night on the town looking for someone to get lucky with, and stay single to keep this cycle going. According to Dana Rotz of Harvard University, married people have more sex than those who are single. If you like sex, and want more, then just get married. It’s that simple for all you guys with two brains.

        Marriage may also help your brains; it’s found that people who are married drink significantly less. According to the Journal of Health and Social Behavior those who are involved in a serious romantic relationship are found to drink less because there is a higher sense of obligation for your actions and your partner. Weight loss, better sleep, and even reduced chances of cancer sound pretty good to me.

        If you like to go with the flow and follow what people normally do, then wait till your 28 or 29 to get married. If you are brave and want to live a better life with more money, more sex, and a healthier lifestyle then marriage may be the answer. Keep an eye out for someone who can give you these things, who motivates and helps you and you may find yourself starting out with a head start on the rest of your generation.

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