Gay Right Fight Fright | Teen Ink

Gay Right Fight Fright

January 8, 2014
By COWVIN BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
COWVIN BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Imagine you find someone you love. And they love you. You spend time together. You love eachother more than anything. You would die for one another. You want to marry. But you can’t. People always hate on you. They tell you you're weird and gross. They see you and look away. Also, you're gay. That is what it is like to be gay in some parts of the world. They say gays are disgusting and that it goes against the bible. There countless protest against it.
It’s seen that being gay is bad to the point where gay is an insult. And it doesn't even have to be a person. “Oh that tree is gay” or “WHAT we have no milk? That’s gay”. Despite many people seeing gays as fine they still aren't seen quite the same as other people. So next time, please don’t just throw the word gay around as basically a swear. Consider it just a little longer.
It’s fine for a straight couple to hold hands, but most people-when they see a gay couple holding hands, will turn away. Some people will even avoid people who they THINK are gay, but really they have no idea. Maybe that guy across the street you thought was gay is actually married. To a woman. And the person that you sat next to on the bus that was really nice and you had a long discussion with is actually gay. You never know. And I know that that isn’t true of everyone. Maybe some of you even look up to gay people because of everything they have to deal with. From marriage, to media, to stereotypes and discrimination. They deal with a lot. And thats hard to do.
In many places gays can’t even get married legally. It is legal in basically all of America, but that doesn’t change that some people are against it. They say gay people are gross and abnormal.
And they are called stupid.
And Dumb.
And Nasty.
And Unorthodox.
But they are normal. They are the same as you or me. They love someone. And they can’t see any difference. They feel the same things that you do. The same flutter in your heart. The same pain of longing. The same happiness just to be near someone they love. But they feel something that we don’t. A fear to say who they love. To say that they are gay. What if the person they love is not gay. Or what if they are, but are too afraid to say anything. Afraid to admit who they are because of all the hate. Because of people who throw gay around like a dirty sock. And people die. They are bullied. They sometimes commit suicide. Just because they aren't exactly like most people. Gay meant happy back long ago. But now, lots of people who are gay, aren't very gay.
Many people in america are gay. Massachusetts was the first state to allow legal gay marriage in america. 115,064 -- Number of same-sex couple households in the United States with children, according to the Census Bureau. 80.4% -- The percentage growth of same-sex couple households in the U.S. between 2000 and 2010, according to the Census Bureau. 3.5% -- The approximate percentage of Americans identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual, according to 2011 research by the Williams Institute at UCLA. That may seem like a small percent, but when you consider how many people live in the U.S it is a decent number. Also thats the U.S alone. There are lots of other places with other gay and lesbian people. Gay rights have only started to be recognized fairly early. People have two positions. For and Against. It is a fight that has silently been going on for ages. Only recently the “For” side has been winning. Gay marriage is being legalized in many areas.

Some people may say that it goes against the bible. Technically the bible says that gays in general are unholy and not correct. Many people are religious and are still for gays though. Back when the bible was written things were MUCH different. People would pretty much be killed for being any different. For instance look at the salem witch trials. That (relatively) wasn’t all that long ago and people were burned for being a little out of the normal. Thanks to the constitution gays are slowly but surely getting an edge in the fight for gays.
My mom has two friends that are gay. And married. They are nice. They are normal. They are no different. Even if most people don’t really “hate” gays anymore they are still at the sharp end of the sword. Still being discriminated. The fact that gay has turned from something that means happy into basically a swear word is terrible to say the least. Many people just say it and brush it aside, not realizing how much they are actually hurting anyone that is gay.
Maybe nothing in this article really concerns you. Maybe you still think gay people are bad. Maybe this entire editorial has been a waste of your time. And maybe all this has nothing to do with you. Mostly likely none of this is really your problem. But what if it was?

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