The True Friend | Teen Ink

The True Friend

May 23, 2013
By April Anderson BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
April Anderson BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ideal friend is Hassan in The Kite Runner. He is loyal, nice and always there for Amir. Hassan is so supportive of Amir and all his dreams of writing. On page 33, Hassan tells Amir, ‘“Someday, Inshallah, you will be a great writer,” Hassan said. “And people all over the world will read your stories.”’ This shows how supportive he is of Amir and how much he cares about him. Khaled Hosseini, the author of The Kite Runner, tells his readers that there is such a thing of a perfect friend. That is Hassan. The ideal friend, by dictionary, is someone who a person knows, likes, and trusts. Being a good friend is abosut being loyal and accepting people for who they are.

But, on the other hand, there are people like Amir, who is not a perfect friend. In fact, he isn’t even a good one. I asked Alejandro, a kid in my period two English class, what a good friend isn’t. He said the following, “Someone you cannot rely on.” You should be able to lean on a friend if you need support or love or just someone to talk to. If you can’t do those things with someone, chances are, they are not your friend. Amir is not a good friend to Hassan. On page 105, Amir backstabs Hassan by putting cash and a watch under his bed and tells his dad that he stole it. “Did you steel that money? Did you steel Amir’s watch, Hassan?” Hassan is so loyal to Amir, that he lies for him and tells Baba yes. Because of Amir’s actions, they choose to leave. Amir is really inconsiderate and rude not only to Hassan, but Hassan’s dad, too for making them leave.

On the bright side, there are good people in the world. People like Hassan who, on page 25 is nice to Amir, “I spent most of the first 12 years of my life playing with Hassan. Sometimes, my entire childhood seems like one long, lazy summer day with Hassan.” That shows how Hassan was alwalways there for Amir. I also have an amazing friend, Martyna. Recently, my aunt’s cancer has gotten worse and her death is becoming more realistic to me every day. I have been spending more time with her because I’m older and I am capable of taking care of her. That means that I have been spending less time with Martyna. Martyna has been so sweet and understanding. She has never once complained and that means so much to me. She is also an amazing friend, like Hassan.

An ideal friend is someone who is always there for you, no matter what. If you want to be a good friend, you have to be loyal, trustworthy and accepting of people. It’s so important because people would rather want Hassan as a friend, than Amir and you don’t want to be that person who has no friends. So be nice to and they will be nice to you.

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