The "L" word | Teen Ink

The "L" word

April 22, 2013
By hansena BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
hansena BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The “L” Word

Relationships today are all the same. They all start with two people finding each other attractive; they exchange numbers and within a week they are boyfriend and girlfriend. They text each other all day everyday and keep each other up at night. The next week, they end up hanging out with each after school and having their first kiss together. They are obsessed with each other; they hold hands, whisper to one another in the hall, spend their last minutes before class kissing and hugging each other and then they say “I love you” to each other like it is nothing. Within a couple of weeks the couple break up over something stupid and they hate each other. The girl gets her closest friends to hate him and then she spends the rest of her time saying “forever alone and proud” when honestly if she were proud of it then she would not be saying that. No one shares their feelings anymore. They think it is “uncool” to express their feelings and stay true to ones heart. Rarely do we see relationships like they used to be in the “old” days. In the old days the boy would start talking to the girl and then ask her on a date because he like what he saw and he wanted to get to know her better. They would exchange numbers and then make plans to go out on a date. He would then come pick her up and her house and walk to the door. That is, he walks into the house and goes straight to her parents (mainly the dad) to introduce himself to get the father’s approval. Then they go on the date. Usually the date would be movies or a dinner and the guy would buy for the girl. If he is respectful, then he wouldn’t just waste a first kiss, He would wait till the time was right and just give her a hug goodbye. Then they would make plans for the next date. Eventually the guy would ask the girl to be his girlfriend when he felt they knew each other well enough and were in the position to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Today the guys don’t have the guts to do that, or they just don’t want to do it. Usually in today’s world the guy just shows up to the house and doesn’t do the formal shaking the fathers hand and meeting him. Relationships today aren’t how they used to be. They are just forced and influenced by technology and the people around them. Most relationships end because both people get sick of each other and they don’t end up caring as much about one another, or other people get between them. If relationships were the way they used to be, and moved slow, then people wouldn’t be as hurt and girls wouldn’t be saying “forever alone and proud”. If someone tells me that, then I think that they are upset that they are alone, maybe they should take things slower and not throw the word love around like a rag. Love has so much more meaning that most people don’t understand. It is when two people care so much about one another and would do anything, even die for them in some cases. It’s when you want to cherish your first kiss, it’s when you want to be better to make the other person happy, it’s when you would fight for them forever. Everyone is so wrapped up in what people think and wanting to be like everyone else. They think a relationship is just about kissing and texting one another but it’s not, there is so much more meaning to a relationship. If we all took a step back and looked at relationships as a whole as something to cherish, then I think that the world would be a little bit happier place. Girls wouldn’t be saying “forever alone” and they wouldn’t be so depressed, guys wouldn’t be such jerks and might actually look at girls and want a relationship. Part of the reason that relationships are like this is because technology has taught us to hide behind a screen and not have the guts to express our feelings towards each other. Some people don’t know how to express their feelings because all they do is hide behind a screen and this is why there are no more relationships like the old days. My advice to you is to take relationships a little more seriously and is you see a relationship of hear of one that is different from the rest of society, then cheer them on because they are doing it right unlike the rest of society. Point out to your friends to take relationships a bit more seriously instead of doing what they think the rest of society would do. Don’t except anything from behind a screen. Tell the guy/girl is they want to express their feelings then tell it to your face, because, guarantee, you will have a better lasting relationship and a happier life

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on Apr. 26 2013 at 7:16 pm
Wings10FeetTall GOLD, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 332 comments

Favorite Quote:
May your words be sharp.
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Wow. This is really good and interesting.