Raw Emotion | Teen Ink

Raw Emotion

October 2, 2012
By ssawvell BRONZE, Dubuque, Iowa
ssawvell BRONZE, Dubuque, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"it is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog."

Raw emotion
People always leave. Three simple words that many of us want to believe are a lie, but in the depth of the ever loving/longing heart we all know it is true. People leave for many reasons; some may never be understood. Other reasons may strike home and pull on those so-called “heart strings” or what realists like to call emotions. Divorce, financial situations and love are believed to be a few of the reasons for that ungodly saying: people always leave.

Fifty-one percent of marriages will end in divorce; that is every one in two marriages. Divorce shows more than any other reason that people leave. Four family members get married; two of them are bound to get a divorce, leaving a family member wondering, what is the point of putting a heart on a string for some dog to come around and a take a bite out of it? Divorce leaves a heart on the side of the road bleeding and hoping that someone will come along to clean up the mess that was not created by them. How can someone have faith in a spouse when in reality there is a fifty percent chance that they will leave? Can people have hope that someone will come around and clean up the mess when someone has already torn their heart to shreds?

Financial situations are very common in a day and age when the United States is practically owned by China. Debt is emotionally draining and puts even more stress on already demanding relationships. People may begin a relationship with just the intent of dating and getting to know someone, but when it comes down to it, we all want to be in a steady financial situation. If someone cannot provide that, and may pull another person down with them, will they be seen again? Let’s face the facts; without money in today’s world nothing will come easily. People do not want to be left with nothing in a society that craves everything.

Love, the word that supposedly brings people together, is causing people to leave. Believe it or not, love can cause someone to leave another’s life with little or no warning. Love is work and requires communication in every part. If an unhealthy love is considered a social taboo will love prevail? Love is an emotion that some people may not want to face. Love means pain and heartache, and leaving may provide an escape route. Stopping love before it gets too far and running away from it can save people from the unwanted heartache. Is it possible that love, thought to be the number one emotion, can cause more people to leave than to stay?

Leaving may cause some people pain but in, the long run, does it save the ever-longing and sometimes unfixable heartbreak? Leaving can be a wall put up around a heart so nobody can get close enough to cause the pain that everyone strives to avoid. Leaving can even become second nature and a safety net for a broken heart. So is leaving just a habit that society has formed the world around or an excuse to never reveal one’s true emotion?
People always leave.

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