Bestfriends | Teen Ink


May 12, 2012
By Laura44 BRONZE, Brewerton, New York
Laura44 BRONZE, Brewerton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Best Friend. That person who first pops into your mind when you hear that word along with 40 different memories of pure ridiculousness. All the summer days spent biking to places you weren't supposed to be and hours spent swimming when getting sick of each other seem impossible. really a best friend is that someone whose house you can just show up at and be welcomed to when you are fed up at home. That person who doesn't care that your in sweat pants and a t shirt to come over and bake cookies. The person who you can sit in a bath tub fully clothed for an hour to get the food out of your hair from your latest food fight. The person who makes cookies for you just because your sick. Those little fights you get in over the littlest thing that make you want to kill the other one but always somehow end in laughter. a best friend is the person who you can be completely ridiculous around and yet after all this time they just except it. The person you know you will always be friends with no matter what happens from elementary school until the day you die.

The author's comments:
My friends mean alot to me.

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