A Sad Truth | Teen Ink

A Sad Truth

May 3, 2011
By Decius BRONZE, Reynolds, Georgia
Decius BRONZE, Reynolds, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary. "

In today's society, relationships are not straightforward. Rarely is it true love, and marriage and divorce are far to common. It appears as if people simply try to get on further then they should as young as they can, life has many, many years ahead. For the vast majority, you have time, you should take it. Nowadays, around school as well as your town you usually see relationships that are pressured by others far too much to get started, or even work.

With personal experience, the people in my school are generally horrid about this. Most start relationships based upon someone's name, or looks, or that the person has talked to them. They go up to total strangers and instantly are together for a week before breaking up and hating eachother for days, before doing it all over again. I've been to many schools, and have seen this happen in most.

In class, the boys take perversion as a sport, and the girls take it as flattery. While real relationships are there, they are usually hidden underneath so many lies and bad thoughts that rarely does it ever turn out for the good. Pressure, whether from peers or the individuals themselves, causes most fine future relationships to fail before they even fully begin. Even the most promising can usually fall due to outside influences, whether subtle or no. Simple disagreements and false hate, false love and empty promises, that is so common.

However, thoughout all of this..for those few who actually care and look through, seeing the person within, they are usually the fine parts, the quieter ones, the ones that do not simply lie and state what appears to be in good morals. They are the ones that, when awakened, usually are bright and creative, the ones that answer and are true, therefore, the minority.

The author's comments:
I've observed this and disliked it personally, and I felt the need to share it. Whether any replies are kind or rude, I do believe it and I stand by my beliefs.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 19 2011 at 1:57 pm
Excellent writing! What an insightful opinion for a teenager. Keep up the good work!