Renewable vs. Nonremewable | Teen Ink

Renewable vs. Nonremewable

May 19, 2016
By UndertaleAddie BRONZE, Glenpool, OK, Oklahoma
UndertaleAddie BRONZE, Glenpool, OK, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

People all around the world are getting sick and dying because of toxins produced by nonrenewable sources and energy.  There is a way to stop this, though.  Instead of using oil or natural gas (which are nonrenewable products) Use renewable items such as solar or wind power. Granted that solar power wouldn’t work on cloudy days or nights, and wind power wouldn’t work on non windy days,it is better for the environment and safer for people.  Not mentioning the plentiful amount of these resources that we have on-hand.  All of these things prove a point:  in the fight between renewable and nonrenewable, renewable is better.

Using renewable resources is better for the environment in many ways.  It lessens endangerment, keeps less toxins in the air and shows less environmental impact.  Some nonrenewable resources are put in rivers and streams, which kill the fish living in it, and poisons the animals that drink from it.  Sometimes these things happen on purpose, and people do it to get rid of waste.

Nonrenewable resources are also less expensive, too.  Instead of using giant machines to pump out oil ( which is most often  very expensive ), we could use less expensive, safer alternatives in renewable energy.  These prove to better the economy and the environment.

Along with health and economic benefits, the sources for renewable energy is infinite.  There is a long list of renewable energy sources, such as: solar energy, wind energy,hydro energy and more!  They are also easily collected and used safer than nonrenewable products, Which compared to coal, oil and natural gas,  Is better.

These points link the idea that renewable resources and energy is safer for the environment, better the economy, and easier for transportation. These are important to the wellbeing of us.  This is why renewable resources is best.


The author's comments:

It was stressful trying to finish this. it is a challanging subject to write sometimes, and even more challanging to get good info. Thats why I wanted to do it.    

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