Cyberbully | Teen Ink


December 15, 2014
By poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his/her point of view 'till you climb inside of his/her skin and walk around in it~ To Kill a Mocking Bird

It is sad that bullying has just become part of our environment, You cant go anywhere with seeing some kind of bullying. But the worst type of bullying I think is cyberbullying because most of the time it is under a fake user name so the person is harder to be idenfied, from personal experience, being a victum of cyberbully can be a living nightmare from Hell. People of often say people who  are cyberbullied over exaggerate, but they will never know until they are the victums of a cyberbully. We need to come together as a coummutiy and help stop the cyberbully world.

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