Seasons | Teen Ink


May 12, 2014
By Aracely SILVER, Grove, Oklahoma
Aracely SILVER, Grove, Oklahoma
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The best time of the year and best holiday of the year is Christmas. It is by far the happiest time of year. There are many reason I love this holiday. It represents Jesus birthday. One can feel the joy in the air.

Christmas is a time to be spent with family. It is great when you have family over and you play games. There is so much to do with family. Opening presents, eating and most importantly spending time with friends are all good ways to spend time with friends. Christmas is also a time for forgiveness. A time to tell your family you love them. Every Christmas is memorable.

Christmas is the most important holiday because it is Jesus’s birthday. It is an important date. A date that we celebrate and have fun. Christians believe this is a time to forgiveness, reflect on your acts, and is also a time where Christians are reminded of the immense love God has for us. How we should treat people, the way he would treat us. He reminds us that we should not judge our brothers and sisters.

Christmas is an exciting event for children as well as for adults. Children are always looking forward to Christmas Eve. It is an exciting time of the year. It is a time to give. Many people are less fortunate than others, but this is the time where the more fortunate ones share what they have. Although, people say presents do not matter. Presents are a way of expressing the love one has for someone. Presents demonstrate the thought one had for a special person.

Christmas is the best time of the year. There are many reason I believe this. Christmas is a joyful time of the year. It is cold but as families come together everything feels warm. It is a time for families to come together. Children get a break between two years. Christmas is the most important holiday for Christians because it is Jesus’s birthday.

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