Public Bathrooms | Teen Ink

Public Bathrooms

January 8, 2014
By Jduval BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Jduval BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever used a public bathroom before? Have you noticed how dirty it is? Have you noticed all the urine and poop stains on the floor? Many public bathrooms in Massachusetts are not clean. This can really affect you during flu season. Did you know that 93% of public bathrooms are dirty? Ya, that’s scary, you better think twice when using a public bathroom.

“Suppression of urination due to dirty toilets can lead to kidney and bladder diseases. In order to avoid visiting public toilets, some people refrain from drinking liquids and suffer from dehydration” said Zaaki. This shows that people decide to wait to get home to use the bathroom and not drink a lot of water. This causes more deaths in the America.

“When I was a freshman, our dorm bathrooms were absolutely disgusting. A lot of mornings I would walk in to the bathroom and there would be puke in the sink, or overflowing sanitary napkin dispensers. I know that dorm bathrooms are extreme, but still! What I don't get is when I go into the bathroom and there is poop smeared on the floor...yes, it happened the other day!

This was just a women's bathroom, too. I didn't know that toilets needed instructions, but apparently so....Insert poop into hole. Seriously” found on This quote shows that there are a lot of other people that are grossed out by public bathrooms you can always see this in a public bathroom so don’t feel comfortable when you're in there.
When you use a public bathroom during flu season it's like hell on earth. You can get a bad sickness from all the bad bacteria in the public bathrooms. You can hear people getting sick from public bathrooms.

“ Yes, there can be plenty of bugs lying in wait in public restrooms, including both familiar and unfamiliar suspects like streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria, hepatitis A virus, the common cold virus, and various sexually transmitted organisms.” found on This quote shows that there are a lot of sicknesses you can find at public bathrooms that you really don’t want. You would not want to stay in a public bathroom for too long.

What did you feel when you used a public bathroom? “The constant paranoia of facing the other person in the bathroom when you leave the stall.” Said Terry Johnston this quote shows that people think using a public bathroom is scary and creepy. Most people feel the same way. They never feel comfortable. Never.

I’ve took a serve from my eighth grade classmates at Rindge avenue upper campus. I asked them: do you feel comfortable in a dirty bathroom? 19% said yes, 57.1% said no, and 28.5% said unsure. Overall people feel uncomfortable using a public bathroom. i told you. People never feel comfortable. Never.

But it does not have to be this way. Public bathrooms could be clean and comfortable to use. There would be less bladder diseases and less dehydration. There would be fewer germs. There would be more success stories about using the public bathroom then bad stories. Most of all, the percentage of dirty bathrooms will go down.

Just by making more times to clean the bathrooms they will be cleaner. Also, by having more gaiters the bathrooms will be more cleanly and at a faster rate. If they had Extra supplies in a closet in the bathrooms it would be more clean and efficient to replace supplies. People with love Public bathrooms and use them more.

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the flash said...
on Mar. 28 2018 at 4:06 pm
i love it!