A Change of Pace | Teen Ink

A Change of Pace

May 10, 2013
By Causetheskyisfalling BRONZE, Hampton, Minnesota
Causetheskyisfalling BRONZE, Hampton, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember saying, multiple times during the summer, “ I wish it was winter so we can get out of this heat!”. Then, turn around and its winter, I start complaining about the cold! I hear multiple people in the halls, on the street, and at home, alway complaining about the weather. Today its too wet, tomorrow it’ll be too dry, the next day it’ll be too hot, after that you’ll be upset about the snow in the beginning of May. We’re all too busy complaining to go out and enjoy the weather. No matter what the weather, I’m sure you can find some activity to do!

Recently, the snow finished melting around town and my home, making me realise how much I missed out on it. This is the first year i failed to go skiing, sledding, and even going out to have an old fashioned snowball fight! I was still enjoying myself with reading by the fireplace and browsing the internet, but I had plenty of time to be active outside reading and computer aside. By always saying “ I can do it later” I unknowingly table the idea. Later will come and go, and before you know it, the chance will be gone.

With every door closed, a new one opens. I may have missed out on winter activities, but now comes spring and summer. I know that soon my schedule will be filled with Graduation parties, usually outdoors, meaning no seniors are going to let me waste the spring weather. All else I would be doing is finishing up school work and sitting at home. Sometimes it’s nice to be forced to be social. Even if I don’t enjoy the grad parties, summer will come around with three hot months of vacation.

I may not be much of an outdoor person, but i can still make out time to hang with friends, play with my dog, and go on walks. I will have plenty of time to use the computer or watch TV, the lights in the house work 24/7. Outside, the light is limited to hours per day. Be it raining or pure sunlight beating down on me, there is always something to do outside.

How many times did i say to myself, “the weather is too cold to go out” or “ it’s too hot to do anything”? I’m done complaining and wasting my time. I’m done wasting the sunlight by sitting inside. Now is the time to go out in do something.

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