Alternative Energy | Teen Ink

Alternative Energy

May 2, 2013
By Nico Colletier BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Nico Colletier BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We live in a world today that requires the use of energy such as fossil fuels, but what happens when all our energy resources are depleted? A solution to this problem is through the use of alternative energy. There are many alternative energy methods, and some of the most common include solar, wind and hydroelectricity. Not only will these alternative methods never run out, but they do not harm the environment. Fossil fuels release harmful emissions into the air and pollute our environment. Over time, the continual use of these fuels will cause so much damage to the environment that there will be no way to fix it. We can already see the effects of pollution through the smog in large cities. Something needs be to be done now so that generations to come can live in a better planet. The solution is clear, and in the next few decades there should be a major change from the use of fossil fuels to alternative energy.

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