Global Warming | Teen Ink

Global Warming

May 30, 2012
By nick houle BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
nick houle BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think that global warming is a huge harm to the environment. Animals that have adapted to climates everywhere are getting effected. Many people don't care about one piece of trash they throw in the environment. All of that trash from the people that don't think anything will happen adds up to a huge pile. It's not fair to the animals that have done nothing to us that they will get punished. That one person can make a difference by just going to a trash can five feet away and throwing the trash out. The next time you see someone throwing something in the road say what if you were the animal that is suffering because of your doings. Even if you have an online profile of some sort you could say that the environment is getting worse and ask people if they even knows what happens if you just throw away that one piece of trash.

The author's comments:
Throw away trash for good!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 10 2012 at 8:40 pm
Caleb.Andrews, London, Other
0 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Multi vad, putini pricep.

During the climatic optimum, global temperatures on average were higher than any "disasterous" global-warming-induced temperature rises. It should be noted that this period saw the rise of the Mesopotamian civilization as well as the settling of various places whose cold temperatures had previously made the respective regions inhospitable (e.g. Greenland and northern Scandinavia). Given this, I fail to see how the climate changes predicted by the IPCC would prove disasterous to humanity.

on Jun. 7 2012 at 11:11 pm

Yea, no.

Do you think by making sure someone throws a piece of trash away it will stop Global Warming? There are many other factors that make up the issue.

Cars with gas, polluting the atmosphere. The chemicals released from plastic and other metals. Or even smoke from factories, who are working hard to produce more things, since people keep throwing them away instead of recycling.