More Than Climate Change | Teen Ink

More Than Climate Change

April 5, 2012
By ashleeroseb SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
ashleeroseb SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 16 photos 0 comments

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"I'm not a word, to be edited, repeated, exchanged to ones liking" -Ashlee Berentsen

Humans, plants, and animals are dying everyday, but why? Why are humans like you and me dying of dehydration? Why are plants not growing where they used to, and overtime, creating dessert? why is the food chain slowly deteriorating, one animal at a time. The answer is Global Warming. The truth most people know, or don't want to know for that matter, is that Global Warming effecting more than the Earth's climate. Global Warming is affecting the life of plants, animals, and humans.
As we all know, or should know, Global Warming is directly effecting plants. Some plants are getting too much water; others are getting too much sun, and vice-versa. In some areas of the world the environment is too dry, or wet, to sustain certain kinds of plant life. According to Dr. Richard Lindzen, an atmospheric scientist from MIT, more than 40% of the world’s forests have been lost in the last 150 years. National Geographic says that Spruce Bark Beetles have chewed over 4 million acres of Spruce Trees. This is because of the 20 years of warm summers, that never fully killed off all the beetles. When plants are affected by climate and weather change, so are animals and humans.
Animals are directly and indirectly affected by Global Warming. Some animals are
affected by the climate change are forced to migrate. Others are losing their homes because of the effects of Global Warming. Polar Bears are a good example example of an animal directly affected by Global Warming. This is because Global Warming is slowly melting their habitat. According to Martyn Obbard, a wildlife research scientist, Polar Bears have gotten considerably skinner, as recorded since the mid-1980s. Most animals are affected because of the food chain, and how its breaking down. When one animal is affected by Global Warming, it sets all animals that interact with that particular animal on down into a tough situation. Different things happen to humans than animals, but sometimes the end product is the same.

Humans are dying everyday because of the effects of Global Warming. The ironic thing is that National Geographic says it's our fault, as humans. “It’s becoming clear that humans have caused most of the past century’s warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives.” Global Warming is killing people everyday. National Geographic also says, “If the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru continues to melt at its current rate, it will be gone by 2100, leaving thousands of people who rely on it for drinking water and electricity without a source of either.” Another huge issue is limited crop growth. The Carnegie Institution estimates that around 5 billion dollars in crop losses per year are due to Global Warming. Humans are not only dying from loss of food and crop loss, but people are dying from widespread water-borne illnesses. It's now, finally becoming clear that plants, animals, and humans are being affected by Global Warming.

Global Warming, like I said, is affecting more than the climate. Its affecting plants, animals, humans, and many other things. The number of deserts and deaths of animals and humans is growing everyday. It’s now our job, as the starters of this mess, to fix it. We need to work together to cut down on our use of cars and other modern day electronics that are polluting the Earth. So pitch in, make a difference, and stop Global Warming. A man made, world-wide disaster.

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