Dancing in the rain | Teen Ink

Dancing in the rain

January 16, 2012
By Gigglesngiggles BRONZE, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Gigglesngiggles BRONZE, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but by how many moments take your breath away."

I woke this morning to the sound of rain pouring down on my window

I love the rain especially when it is warm like it was this morning

The smell of it is refreshing and clean, but I only ever watch never touch

As I listened to the rain I decided it wasn’t enough, I wanted to feel it to feel the coolness of its weight

So in a pair of old sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt I opened my back door and snuck quietly into my backyard

At first it took my breath away I just stood there letting myself breath in the rain

On the verge of tears for some unknown reason this quote I recognize so well but never really heard came flooding through my mind

Don’t just stand here waiting for the storm to pass, dance, dance in the rain like no one is watching

Every care is gone and you are free

Sobbing in the middle of my backyard with no one aware my storm became my peace

I danced like I never danced before with the thunder as my drum and the lightening as my spotlight

This storm left me drenched, sweaty, and….

Completely worry and care free.

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