The Issues With Palm Oil | Teen Ink

The Issues With Palm Oil

November 8, 2020
By Anonymous

Dear Mr Lapo Civiletti,

I am one of the many fans of your company’s delicious chocolate. I am writing this letter to address the issue of palm oil in your products. You should stop using palm oil in your products and replace it with another type of oil.

According to Zoë Schlanger (a senior writer at Newsweek with lots of experience)’s article about deforestation, 80% of the fires in Indonesia are being set to clear land for palm tree plantations that provide you with the palm oil in your chocolate. She also tells us that “Indonesia’s tropical forests, which are being steadily deforested and burned by palm oil producers, are some of the world’s most important.” This is because the trees provide oxygen and habitats for the orangutans that live there, not to mention the pollution we get in Malaysia because of our own palm tree burning habits and the smoke from Indonesia.

There is a lot of built-up carbon in the soil of many of the largest palm plantations. So, when the fire comes and burns through the soil layers,  it releases more carbon dioxide, adding to the pollution already there from fumes from the fires.

This is related to Sustainable Development Goal number 15 (life on land) and number 12 (sustainable production and consumption). We have a responsibility to meet these goals and make Earth the best it can be. If we are causing the burning of rainforests and mass-producing irresponsibly, it will not do us any good in a couple of decades.

“Why don’t the farmers find another way,” some may ask. 

The reason why they don’t do this is because they are trying to keep up with the demand of palm oil the fastest way they can – by producing more and getting rid of old crops quickly to clear land. The quickest and cheapest way they know is to burn all the trees down and so they do. The pressure to make more is from you; you’re one of those requesting more and therefore, also responsible for this problem.

I can just hear the objections from many. Some critics think you should keep using palm oil. According to Healthline, an organisation with highly respected doctors and nurses, “Palm oil is reported to provide several health benefits”. However (also from the same source), palm oil is one of the culprits of heart disease and we should avoid eating too much of it. Another reason why many companies and products use palm oil is because it is cheap. Healthline also claims that “Palm oil is one of the least expensive and most popular oils worldwide.” It is only cheap because growing palm trees isn’t difficult, with all the space cleared with fires and all. This is dangerous – do you really want to be known as someone who supported this?

If you really think changing to another type of oil will negatively affect your products so much, at least consider buying from a farm that doesn’t burn trees. This will ensure they are still in business and you are still getting your supply of palm oil without the extra pollution. 

We are working together to ensure the safety of the next generation, the kids that come after me and you who’ll inherit this planet. Stop using palm oil (or make sure you’re purchasing it sustainably) – kids like me and the ones that follow? They deserve a bright future, without the pollution.



The author's comments:

This is an open persuasive letter.

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